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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Amit and Krishna Mukerji from North Carolina having darshan with Bodhinatha while on pilgrimage. They visited two years ago and loved their time here, so are back again. They attended our 6am homa yesterday. They said that although their physical home is in North Carolina, their minds are here at Kauai Aadheenam all the time.

The Ekadanta Kulam gave their news today. That’s a one man team of Sannyasin Saravananathaswami who with the help of our task forcers and premonastics has completed a huge mailing to all the sishya include vibhuti, DVD’s, membership cards and more. Swami is also the acting secretary for the steward and has the responsibility for taking care of the official digital signatures we now use for all official documents. Each year there is a complicated renewal process…He’s taking the lead in making a a paperless office, including digitizing files and letters and master course exams sheets. His file cabinet now is a huge directory on our server.

He is also responsible for hosting and arranging activities for those who come on official pilgrimage and we have quite a few pilgrims with us during these holidays. He’s also responsible for the Master Course web site area… where he’s made some changes recently.

We don’t have a lot of photos today, but the Aadheenam was packed!

All Time Record Guest Day!

With over 150 visitors today, it was an all time record high guest day. Of course we were expecting this during the holidays, but when it happens its still a big surprise… Here is a picture of our 9am tour group.

The 11 AM tour group which does not include another group of 30 Gujaratis who went on their own tour…

By the way:

Happy Pancha Ganapati Day 2!

If you don’t know about this modern day Hindu festival, please read about it in the following articles on our web sites and listen to Gurudeva explain, in his own words, about this joyous celebration and make plans to celebrate it every year in your home and community:

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