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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bharat and Saroj Dave have wanted to visit us for over ten years and finally had the opportunity. They live in Massachusetts and are from Gujarat originally. They are friends of Bhairava Sundaram Sivacharya, who is the son-in-law of the late Sambamurthy Sivacharya. Both Sivacharyas came to Kauai Aadheenam in 1995 to perform the Pancha Silanyasa (first-stone-laying) ceremony for Iraivan Temple. Bhairava Sundaram will be performing puja in the Dave’s home next week.

They are overjoyed to be here and said they are “moved” by the vibrations here. They are lovers of Siva and really enjoyed visiting the various lingams on our property.

Standing by the uncrated Yalli pillar which will be raised up tomorrow.

This is one of the most ornate stones of the Iraivan temple, a roof, ceiling beam that will be above the Namaskaram Mandapam

The silpis are busy preparing the base stone for tomorrow’s crane lift.

There will be two Yalli stones, facing each other at the entrance of the temple.

It is ashram sadhana day for this month at the Aadheenam. A fuzzy photo of work being done in the publications building.

Indivar Sivanathan came for a visit. These large pieces of art are too big to scan. She is a professional photographer and we have her take some hi-resolution photos.

This is a new “chakra man”

We also have a marvelous series of yantra paintings.

A magnificent batik of Lord Siva as Dakshinamurthy.

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