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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today another cruise ship pulled into the port and we had a number of visitors from it, but no pictures.

The Siddhidata Kulam detailed the team’s activities today. The big news is preparations for four more containers to arrive from Bangalore, India, soon after inspection in Honolulu. These four contain expecially massive stones, such as the giant entry pillars and the Rajagopuram stones, including the largest singe-stone gateway cupola carved in India in about a century. All coming to lielt Kauai. The team is working with re-arranging of stacks of lumber removed from the pour in August, to save the resources for next year’s big plinth cement pour. The kulam also handles myriad other tasks, taking care of the grounds and buildings.

Our “videophiles” may be alerted to our main video page. In case you missed events posted on TAKA movies, you can view them all from our main video center. Precious parts of the 2006 Gurudeva Mahasamadhi observances were filmed, including Bodhinatha conducting satsang with pilgrims, and the mahasamadhi puja itself. Also, during the recent donor receptions in California we showed a summary photo slideshow of activities at Kauai Aadheenam over the last year. We have turned this slideshow into a Quicktime movie with accompanying soundtrack. This movie and the others mentioned above can be enjoyed at

San Diego Satsang

Today we bring you our final series from the photos sent to us by Surendra Prakash of events in San Diego. Today’s series is all the people who had darshan with Bodhinatha at the private satsang of devotees and students. They were sent without captions, but if you are in the photos you know who you are!

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Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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