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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is all quiet at the Aadheenam with almost all of our pilgrims having returned home. The weather had been pre-planned…. with clear days for a week during the Maha Samadhi observances, followed now rain…

We are having some torrential rains here in Hawaii. Up on Mount Waialeale the water devas are working hard on the mountain’s reputation as the wettest spot on earth. The Wailua river just below us is an all time record high. We sent our new young monks and taskforcers down with an umbrella to be close to the powerful force of the river. We bring you once again, some of Gurudeva’s timeless quotes from “The River of Life.”

“The birth of this river high in the Himalayas we can liken to our own conception and entrance into physical consciousness. As the river flows to meet the sea, it drops off many disturbances, just as our life absorbs many of its hindrances….”

The rapids smooth out, the waterfalls become smaller, the mouth of the river broadens, and as the river flows into the ocean we can see this esoteric symbol of life ending its manifest physical form.

Think today about the personal experiences in your lifetime and clearly view just how often you cling to the banks of life’s river by attaching yourself to personalities and possessions.

Here is a short video of today’s watery world of the Wailua River.

Have you ever stopped to think that we even become attached to things that we do not like and to the things that we have done against our better judgment?

We are attached to objects, values, schedules, habits, memories, even likes and dislikes.

We become attached because we do not stop to understand that each of those experiences that conceived the attachment was just a boulder, a waterfall or an old tree trunk blocking one of the little rivulets as it tried to merge with the great stream ever merging itself into the ocean.

Yesterday’s Visitor Tour

Here are Kenny and Scarlett from Florida. Their bright smiles really told us how happy they were to be here. Kenny is a Hindu from Guyana and Scarlett is from a Catholic family but has a personal fascination about Hinduism.

This little lady was very impressed that the temple was being carved entirely by hand. “It’s just amazing” she said…

Our early 9 am tour braved the showers…

Our 11 am tour brought the day’s total for guest to about 55.

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