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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

This is Mr and Mrs. Chandrasekaran visiting from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They belong to a Murugan temple society which Bodhinatha visited this last June because Gurudeva had gifted them a Ganesha murti to start the worship. They are temporarily renting a hall for pujas and have chosen land for building a temple. Mrs. Chandrasekaran beautifully sang the famous Skanda Shashti Kavacham at the end of our festival puja this morning.

The holy day of Skanda Shashti arrived this morning, it has traditionally been one of the most powerful festivals at the Aadheenam. Homa is performed with the Vel of Lord Muruga receiving the power for the rites.

Shyamadeva Dandapani has his ears pierced…

While the temple pujaris decorate the Deity after the abhishekam, the monks all retire for a private vow ceremony in the Guru Peedam.

With the blessings and presence of Lord Muruga, today our monastic order welcomes a new Yogi Tapasvin, Yogi Jivanandanatha. Everyone listens to Acharya Kumarswami as he reads the ideals and challenges of being a yogi.

Bodhinatha goes deep within himself to find all the shakti of the Kailasa Parampara and bring it forth for the initiation. It is a powerful ceremony. A palpable vibration emanates from him and fills the sacred Guru Peedam, where we are all gathered.

Natyam Jivanandanatha, soon to be a Yogi, reads his vows.

Signing the vowbook before God, Gods and Guru.

Bodhinatha signs the vowbook accepting the monk’s vows of commitment.

A new Yogi arises in this last dark days of the Kali Yuga! Bodhinatha, in deep concentration, places his hands on the postulant’s head. Physical contact is used in powerful initiations in our Parampara, as when Yogaswami gave Gurudeva a powerful slap on the back, passing on his shakti.

His head covered with sandalwood, Yogi Jivanandanatha receives his Danda, yogic staff, from Bodhinatha.

Aum namah Sivaya! Vel Muruga!

Dressed in yellow, a Yogi Tapasvin is a sincere spiritual seeker, who strives to leave behind all of his former self in his intense quest for God. He allows himself to be consumed in the fire of his tapas, burning past, attachments, and ego.

Bodhinatha then gives a short talk about how the first years of being a yogi are a once-in-a-monastic-lifetime opportunity to enhance the spiritual life.

Everyone greets our new yogi…

Back in the temple the ceremonies continue, with chanting and songs while the curtain is closed.

Natarajnathaswami on the drum…

In the aftermath of the puja, Silpi Chelliah and and Mrs. Chandrasekaran sing the Skanda Shashti Kavacham and sublime spiritual force of peace, beauty and radiance fills the temple… that special power of Lord Murugan!

Lord Muruga’s shrine radiates an actinic force…like a visible star is shining on us all.

Glorious Lord Muruga, in His majestic splendor. He truly came to visit us in Kauai Aadheenam today, as his unique shakti could be felt in the soul, heart and physical bodies of us all. One of the pujaris said that this was one of the most powerful Skanda Shasti festivals we have ever experienced. Vetri Vel Muruga!

Satya and Savitri visited the Ganapati Kulam during the morning, to discuss Shum and the new monastic garden outfits that Savitri and her talented team are sewing in California. They stopped to take a photo with their son and our newest Yogi.

This will be their last visit with Yogi Jivananandanatha for two years while he observes his yoga disciplines and works to intensify his inner life and meditations, free of family, TV, news and other distractions.

They are naturally enormously proud of the son they raised, and bless him for his spiritual work in the next 24 months.

Yogi’s brothers here in the monastery are also gratified to share this auspicious day with him and to see yet another soul take up the staff of tapas and join the fellowship of yogis that have trod the planet for thousands of years. Such profound dedication is a too rare thing on this Earth, at least in this present yuga. Perhaps Yogi’s example will inspire other young men to step onto the Great Path of Enlightenment.

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