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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha giving a seminar this morning for all the devotees who have come for the annual Gurudeva Maha Samadhi observances.

Bodhinatha reviews the Preparation for Meditation that Gurudeva gave us many years ago. Here is a short video of Bodhinatha reading from the steps.

Today we had a very auspicious homa in the morning… lamps are light to help those arriving before dawn to find their way.

Today’s homa was important because three souls took vows to move forward in their religious life.

First, Tandu Sivanathan, who has been a devotee for several decades, received his Vishesha Diksha.

This is the most advanced initiation that can be given for grihasthis (family people).

Ceyonswami reads the Vishesha Diksha vows.

Tandu also reads them aloud to affirm his commitments.

This initiation opens a gateway to the stage of kriya practice through daily Siva worship and brings with it the obligation to perform Siva puja in the home each day. It is the opening also into the deeper practices of yoga. Such initiations have been the power sustaining the Nandinatha Sampradaya for thousands of years. Requiring much purification and preparation, they bring infinite blessings into the lives of those who strive to qualify.

Bodhinatha has formalized the process by having the monks prepare a booklet that clearly outlines the nature of each initiation and the expectations for its fulfillment.

The sacred moment when the Satguru passed on the spark from the Parampara to the devotee by placing his hands on Tandu’s head. It is then up to the devotee to take that power and bring it to fruition in his next phase of spiritual evolution.

Dharmaraj is next. Today he received his Namakarana Samskara and formally takes his Hindu name and enters the Hindu religion.

I, Dharmaraj Tillai

formerly known as Tyler Comer , having declared of my own volition acceptance of the principles of the Sanatana Dharma, including a firm belief in all-pervasive Divinity and the Vedic revelations of karma, dharma and punarjanma, and having severed all previous non-Hindu religious affiliations, attachments and commitments, hereby humbly petition entrance into the Saivite sect of the Hindu religion through the traditional namakarana samskara. I plead for recognition and acceptance of this irrevocable conversion to Saivite Hinduism by the community of devotees witnessing this sacred rite.

Signature of devotee:
Dharmaraj Thillai

It is Hereby Certified
that this devotee, at a namakarana samskara held at Kadavul Hindu Temple on the auspicious day of October 18, 2006, duly given a Hindu name in accordance with the traditions of Hinduism before God, Gods and devas. This person is thus bound eternally and immutably to the Hindu religion as a member of this most ancient faith with full rights of access to all public Hindu temples, shrines and institutions throughout the world from this day onward.

He writes his new name on a plate of rice before the sacred fire.

We all welcome Dharmaraj to our Hindu family!

Next Teja takes his vegetarian vrata.

A new life begins free from the karma of taking the life of animals to feed oneself.

Later in the morning after the ceremonies are over, everyone goes for breakfast. Our silpis are with us today. They love to buy T-shirts at Walmart!

Mrs. Manickam from Vancouver, Canada.

Dasan Mahadevan from San Diego.

A hearty repast for breakfast.

Easan Katir from California talks with Shiela Young.

At 8:30 there is a special gathering with Bodhinatha for those who have received Visesha Diksha then everyone comes at 10:30 after the Siva puja for a class.

Bodhinatha reviews the Preparation for Meditation that Gurudeva gave us many years ago.

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