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Bodhinatha in San Diego

We pick up the story of Bodhinatha quick trip to San Diego and San Francisco for satsang with the sishya and students and Donor Appreciation reception events.

Here he is opening birthday gifts for his Jayanthi.

Our photo story today is for the 14th. A morning walk in San Diego outside the hotel.

Walking next to the Bay.

Then off to a birthday breakfast with the “core group” of Saiva Siddhanta Church sishyas and Academy students

Opening the box…

Inside are brass murtis for Saivite saints

Four saints up close

Now we are having the San Diego “Thanks for Giving” reception at Humphreys Inn on Oct 14

Guests arriving and find their assigned seats

Bodhinatha shows an arati to Ganesha to invoke an auspicious beginning

Saravananathaswami giving an introduction

The welcoming committee

Listening carefully

Reading a brochure for the 2008 Asian Odyssey Innersearch program

Deva Rajan flew down from San Francisco to speak about the history and details of high volume fly ash concrete used for the Iraivan Temple foundation, explaining how this innovation by our temple sparked a major change in the building industry.

Bodhinatha gives his Keynote presentation which included sharing about recent travels, Hinduism Today Digital Edition progress, new Podcasts, and some metaphysical teaching segments about the three worlds of existence, and exercises for experiencing our awareness. He runs the presentation his Apple Powerbook onto a large screen.

His Keynote presentation was well received, especially the teachings segment.

Happy guests

Mohan Ekambaram talks with Bodhinatha.

The marina view outside the reception room.

The core team of sishyas and students chats with Bodhinatha informally at a park before we departed for the airport.

Check check out this really great show of the whole team behind the events. The monks want to thank you all for all the hard work put it to make the satsang and reception a grand success!

Click for a big team photo

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

At home here on Kauai devotees are arriving for the coming four days of observances for Gurudeva mahasamadhi. Shelah Young is one of the pilgrims and chats with Ceyonswami about her astrology chart.

A beautiful sunny day today, perfect for our festival.

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