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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

On September 2nd Bodhinatha conducted his all day seminar in Kuala Lumpur. Here he is opening the event with and arati to Gurudeva.

On Oct. 2 Bodhinatha conducted the keynote “Key Hindu Practices” in Kuala Lumpur, organized by the members and students. It was a six-hour intensive seminar beginning at 9am and concluding at 6pm. Subjected included: The Yamas and Niyamas, Learning from Mistakes, Worship, Karma Management, Work Is Worship and Basics of Meditation. A full contingent of 100 devotees participated. The event was very successful.

Ratnavathy Sivalingam, one of the organizers, giving the opening announcements.

We step back in time to the last hours in Penang. Here a young recently married couple does padapuja to received Bodhinatha’s blessings.

Bodhinatha giving blessings to Thanabalan and Ahiladevi.

and other Penang devotees and students

Then off to the flight south to Kuala Lumpur

Airport goodbyes…

Here we are, coming into Kuala Lumpur…

Airport greetings in KL.

Bodhinatha coordinates with Aravindraj on upcoming details of the event one day seminar and the next few days of Bodhinatha’s stay in K.L.

Here we are back at the September 2nd all day seminar. Participants during a breaktime, enjoying refreshments.

Attending the registration desk

A view of the attendees in the large hall.

The book table, displaying our publications for sale.

Book sales team staff the tables.

A moment between presentations

After each of the six presentations, the attendees formed ten discussion groups to talk about the subject matter.

Bodhinatha visited each discussion group to hear about their insights.

Here Acharya Kumarswami checks in with a discussion group after a presentation.

Sunday in KL was devoted to darshan sessions at the hotel. The first meeting was with Kulapati Appasamy and his wife.

Guhan Sivalingam, his wife and two of their daughters Hemavalli and Ratnavathy.

This is the Dhasan Sivananda family sitting with Bodhinatha.

This is the Dhasan Sivananda family sitting with Bodhinatha.

The Bala Sivaceyon family.

Kulapati Silvarajoo Muniandy and family.

Kulapati Sivajnani Nagappan and family.

Sun One Homa

Yesterday’s Sun One homa…

Palaniswami gives a talk after the homa.

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