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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Four today… The Siddhidata kulam detailed all their activities at the temple site, on the grounds and in the garden

Dr. Jeremiah Umakanthan, a psychiatrist, Padminidevi his wife, and their daughter, Janani who is a Pediatrician have visited the Aadheenam many times in the past. We are always pleased to see this lovely family again. They are originally from Sri Lanka and now living Apple Valley, California, and attend the Malibu Temple

Another lovely day with light trades. The prodigious authoress, Jane Nelsen, returned for a meeting with Paramacharya Palaniswami. He has graciously offered to help Jane with printing of pamphlets as she strives to reeducate the parents and teachers of the world to parent and teach their children through the avenue of love and understanding and not through violence and corporeal punishment.

Jane states that she is eternally grateful to Gurudeva for utilizing her books in his mission to stop the violence in the home and bring peace to the world.

Her books on Positive Discipline have been translated into about twelve different languages to include Chinese, Korean, German, Italian, Spanish, and Slovakian to name a few. She has just completed a revision of her book. Jane is an intelligent, refined, sweet, humble soul who has had lots of experience with children. She has seven children of her own who are now adults, and has eighteen grandchildren (which she jokes seems to coincide with her having written eighteen books.)

Paramacharya Palansiwami presents her with a beautiful gift — “Gurudeva’s Toolbox for a Spiritual Life.”

Two days back Lucy Kauaihalau visited with her mom and dad and sister, Janine. Here Jacque and Lucille spend a few moments with Palaniswami after their tour of the temple. They have been coming for six years and tell us of their joy in seeing the progress.

Earlier this morning we went for a walk out to see what is happening at Iraivan this morning.

Tropical plants on all sides on our way…

There’s a new container ready to unload.

Boxes and boxes.

The Siddhidatta Kulam moved all the stones from yesterday’s two containers out into the open ground.

Dozens of mysterious items wrapped in coir, which is made from rubber and coconut husks.

They will be placed where this wooden staircase is.

Meanwhile, the team is hard at work unpacking the containers from India.

Hours and hours of work are required just to unload, then many more to remove the crates so the stones are free.

Pele Cow Arrives

Our new cow arrived today. She is from the Big Island and is mostly black. So we named her after the Goddess of Fire, Pele. Pele is on the front being followed by the local cow residents of the monastery. She goes through a period of adjustment as the newbie in the pasture.

Here Pele faces off with Mimi who is a much bigger cow. Pele made it clear that she was not going to be pushed around and proceeded to do a little pushing herself. This is the way cows get acquainted.

After a few minutes of introduction, the cows posed for this shot. It wasn’t easy getting them in this order. On the left is Nandini, daughter of Hanna. Next is Pele, the Great Fire Goddess from the Big Island. The big Holstein is Mimi, also daughter of Hanna. On the right is Anu, daughter of Chaturthi.

Pele is one half Holstein and one half Jersey. She is pregnant and expecting a calf any day in the next couple of weeks.

So in preparation for our new arrival, Shanmuganathaswami and the PK members have been working on this new calf pen under the Banyan tree near Kadavul Temple. We are hopeful that the newcomer is a heifer.

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