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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is a another quiet hot summer day at the Aadheenam. The sun is bright and colors alive all around us.

Today, Sun Four, the Siddhidata Kulam gave a very thorough report on activities. Yoginathaswami announced the arrival of several more containers from India, now sitting in Honolulu. He detailed the contents of the next shipment, most of which are stones for the roof of Iraivan. But this shipment has more “goodies” for the Aadheenam itself, which we best leave as a surprise for TAKA when we unload them install them.

Each member of the Kulam has an area which he works with. Sadhaka Adinatha is working with tree trimmers in preparation for the installation several new septic tanks for the Aadheenam. He also has been spearheading the planting of some 50 more papayas.

Sadhaka Nilakantha is now fully in charge of the garden. He detailed his new plantings: cabbage, Amarath greens, Okra and more.

Sadhaka Tejadevanatha worked much of this phase on moving sand at Iraivan and he also is the lead man on equipment repair and took care of a variety of motors, engine and gadgets in need of his help.

What a lovely summers day complete with a deep blue sky and picture clouds. The day began with a wonderful 9 a.m. Ardra Abishekam to Siva Nataraja. The spiritual atmosphere in the temple was so powerful, so beautiful and so very peaceful.

A family of nine arrived, all Hindus visiting Kauai for a family reunion. The grandparents, Kamalapur and Muktha Mohan had traveled all the way from Hyderbad, India. Anil and Veena Kumar came from Washington State with their 10 year old daughter, Ujawara, and Vikram Dulam, a cardiologist, and his wife Vidya, an anesthesiologist arrived with their two children Sai age 5 and Samhita age 3 from Mississippi. The parents are acutely aware of how important it is for the children to continue to learn about Hinduism and not to get lost in the Western ways.

The whole family posed for a group photo on the West side of the Iraivan Temple. . .

Next they hugged sacred Rudraksha trees and picked up the seeds. As they departed they were asked how they had enjoyed their visit to this beautiful temple, “Fantastic!” absolutely wonderful!” they all chorused.

High sun on red anthuriums

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

The Master Course (“MC”) Study program is really flourishing in Mauritius. Rajen Manick sent out an announcement to the student body there which we though you all might enjoy reading as it tells a lot about this successful mission activity in that beautiful country.

Here is the full announcement:

Bodhinatha’s MC Gathering July 29 at Flacq

Aum Sivaya everyone,

Prostration to the Lotus Feet of Lord Ganapati!

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami is pleased to invite you to attend our July Bodhinatha’s MC Students Gathering” on Saturday June 29 , 2006 at 1.15 PM at the residence of MC student Miss Selvi Thielemay at Flacq.

Kindly leave your MC worksheets at the Mini Mela at our next Ganesha Homa at the Spiritual Park on Sunday August 6th .

Please, find attached Bodhinatha’s Sivachaitanya Meditation Pdf file for your personal daily use & also a few photos of the SP for you.

You will see photos of the Grand Bay Seminar and Guru Purnima celebration in Kauai Aadheenam and Ganesha Homa just click on URLs below or copy them to your browser:

Pada Puja Bodhinatha/ Hawaii

Grand Bay MC session

Ganesha Homa at Spiritual Park

Schedule for Flacq Gathering
– Artee to Lord Ganesha
– Testimonies on how Bodhinatha’s Talks and trilogy teachings have been applied in one’s life…
– Bodhinatha’s Talk on Enlightenment Part Two: Who am I?
– Progress on Master Course work sheets
– Meditation etc..
– Questions/answers based on Trilogy and the Master Course
– plan for our 2006 One Day Seminar & get together?

Kindly contact Miss Selvi Thielemay to confirm and to obtain more precise information of how to reach her residence at Flacq. Please, note that once you arrive in Flacq centre you drive on the main road leading to Belle Mare and some 500 metres from Winners Supermarket, you will see Restaurant Safari, turn into that adjacent street at Safari and Selvi’s house is the 3rd one. If you are lost …… contact Selvi on her mobile!

For any other information you can email or phone us.

Looking forward to see you at Flacq. Aum.


Here is one meditation that is taught to non-initiate students. It is a practice Gurudeva called:

Sivachaitanya Panchatantra Meditation

The following meditation is called the Sivachaitanya Panchatantra, five simple experiences that bring Siva consciousness into the reach of each individual.

Vital Breath: prana. Experience the inbreath and outbreath as Siva’s will within your body. Become attuned
to the ever-present pulse of the universe, knowing that nothing moves but by His divine will.

All-Pervasive Energy: shakti. Become conscious of the flow of life within your body. Realize that it is the same universal energy within every living thing. Practice seeing the life energy within another’s eyes.

Manifest Sacred Form: darshana. Hold in your mind a sacred form, such as Nataraja, Sivalinga or your satguru–who is Sadasiva–and think of nothing else. See every form as a form of our God Siva.

Inner Light: jyoti. Observe the light that illumines your thoughts. Concentrate only on that light, as you might practice being more aware of the light on a TV screen than of its changing pictures.

Sacred Sound: nada. Listen to the constant high-pitched ee sounding in your head. It is like the tone of an electrical transformer, a hundred tamburas distantly playing or a humming swarm of bees.

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