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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It’s Sun Two today and a tour day. Among the visitors were a yoga group who asked to see Bodhinatha and came with many questions. They had a good long session together.

At lunch Sannyasin Saravananathaswami detailed his work in the Ekadanta Kulam, sending out lessons to various ones around the world who are moving forward in their Master Course studies. And entering also all the Guru Purnima Rededications received from sishya who wish to renew their relationship with their Satguru for another year.

He also sent out about 6 sets of padukas blessed by Bodhinatha to initiates for their shrine rooms. He also worked out all the tour days for the coming year so that we can print a small tour day calendar to give away on the island.

Sivanadiyar Satya Subramaniam was the guide today for the tour.

Our silpis did their usual carving demonstration.

The first tour at 9 am had about 60 people. There were many intelligent questions about the symbols on the pillars of Iraivan.

One 13-year-old boy asked some grown up questions: “Can you explain the Hindu Myth of Creation?”

Here is the second tour group at 11 am. That made 100 people in all for one day.

Back in the publications office, Maruthu is working on proof reading and making corrections to the Tamil and Malaya translations of the next Saivite Hindu Religion children’s course book.

It was a magnificent day… the giant Albezia trees seen below the auspicious clear peak of Mt. Waialeale are all in bloom — tree tops full of white-amber blossoms and 10’s of thousands of bees.

The ponds next to the monastery buildings.

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