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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha is working hard on his Keynote presentations for up-and-coming educational programs he will be giving while he travels this fall.

Visiting today is Sundaresan Hariyogam, originally from Malaysia, who lives in New York. He and his five brothers are in the vegetarian frozen food industry. Sundaresan is visiting Kauai for one month. One of his brothers, Kumaravelan, who visited here just one year ago, advised him to come and he is very happy to be here.

Neesha Alahan, a lifetime devotee and a registered nurse in Seattle Washington, is visiting for one week with her mother, Isani Alahan. Neesha plans to go to medical school and eventually combine natural medicinal cures with allopathic medicine and practice Holistic healing. We wish her well.

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress

Kulapati Jiva Rajasankara sends a news update with amazing photos from India:

“These are the Yalli pillars – 95 percent completed. You can see the detailed workmanship. We have cleared all the unwanted stones to bring out the image of the baby elephant and the Yalli separately. At the same time taking into consideration the safety measures for packing and loading onto the containers.

Namaskaram Mandapam flooring stone ( black stone) in progress

This is a special floor stone in the middle of the pillared mandapam where the Guru prostrates.

Namaskaram Mandapam ceiling stones in progress:

Now for a little magic from the realm of light and technology. Yesterday’s camera shoot included a picture of the Swayambhu Lingam on San Marga. One perceptive TAKA viewer wrote in:

“Look, can you see Gurudeva there in the Lingam!” Here is a close up:

And, here is that same image further computer enhanced:

Fun Images from Kartikeya Katir’s New Mac iBook

Karti was inspired to use a small program that came with his Mac to chronicle the morning meeting in the publications kulam. He took the photos himself. This was his final day of serving in the GK, and we are so glad that his parents let him come to Kauai for a month to serve and grow.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

Our members and students of Mauritius are a shining example of the religious educational work of the Kailasa Parampara. Our reporter shares this news and photo series.

The monthly Bodhinatha Master Course Student Gathering at Grand Bay was held at the residence of Vanisha Vythilingum and it was another opportunity for our enrolled MC students to deepen their knowledge of our Kailasa Parampara’s teachings.

Everyone is comfortably seated for the study session. The session always starts with the students sharing their testimonies on how they are applying the spiritual teachings in their life. Many of the practical guidelines of Bodhinatha are highlighted.

Bodhinatha explains ” When we finally possess what we have been desiring, somehow the happiness soon fades and, before we know it, we are back to our dissatisfied self again, desiring something new to give us that elusive happiness. The cycle of desire-fulfillment-pleasure-loss-pain-suffering that is the cycle of seeking happiness in outer things, be they possessions or people…..”

“Gurudeva suggests we focus on uplifting our consciousness and changing what we desire. That is how we solve the problem, by channeling or transmuting our energy, desiring things that are more refined. Instead of desiring just to make ourselves happy, we desire to make our family and friends happy, too. That is a higher desire. ”

“The goal is to claim the enduring or spiritual happiness that is inside us. Happiness is already part of our inner self, but we need to learn how to experience that part of us that is always happy. This spiritual happiness is called Ananda, bliss, and is the pure joy that exists in our soul. Once we have refined our desires through academic studies and cultural practices, we are religious enough to take the next step toward experiencing enduring happiness.”

“The monistic or meditative way is to turn within in meditation, go deep into the lotus of the heart and experience our inner self, our inner light, our spiritual energy. That makes us truly happy. That’s a wonderful way.”

Time for a break. (From left) Vandana, Pritiviraj and Roshan have come a long way to Grand Bay.

(From left) Ulasha, Kulapati Amba Valaytan’s daughter, Mrs. Anandi , and the two sisters Selna and Selvi.

Our MC students from Terre Rouge…

Everyone is glad to be together with the same spiritual mindedness…

Selvi and Ariadassy ….

Staying close to Ganesha…(left) Amba, Sanjeeva, Ananda and Nuckiren….

Vanisha and her husband who have hosted this event… Thank you so much!

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