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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Our cameras were taking a technical rest today. So we dug into our archives. Here is a lovely photo of Bodhinatha at our center in Mauritius.

Today the Siddhidata Kulam gave their report. Of course major focus for the team since there last report was on Iraivan. They worked very hard, along with the silpis preparing for the massive lift of 35 roofs stones. The team had to prepare special walkways over the open areas for Bodhinatha to come for the puja to commence the installation. Now the silpis are working on the tedious job of jointing all the roof stone, moving into final position and touch-ups on the ornamentation. It was a great accomplishment. The silpis worked extra long days in preparation for the event. To thank them we plan to take them to a Five-Star hotel for breakfast. A rare thing for them.

Images from the life of Siva Yogaswami. Though many think of Yogaswami as an austere sadhu, which he was, he was also intimately involved in the lives and karmic unfoldment of his close devotees, just like Gurudeva was. He had great healing powers. One humorous story is told where he would sit in the foyer of a clinic where a doctored worked who was his devotee. Yogaswami would inquire of other patients in the waiting room what was wrong with them, make his own prescription and tell them to go.

A short series of the blossoming of a bromeliad…

Though we had no photos, Shama writes of her hosting duties today:

Another beautiful day with soft trades, sunshine, and occasional showers greeted a group comprising of Kauaians and visitors from California and Colorado. All thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful gardens, waterfalls and lakes with lotus flowers in full bloom, highlighted by a visit through the Iraivan Temple complex. There were many questions about this beautiful temple and the mystical aspects of this ancient style of architecture.

Alan and Faith Collier are both writers and have lived on Kauai for just six months. Another local resident, Peggy Ellenberg, is a teacher at Island School.

Greg Fletcher, an environmental geologist and Becky Buckley, a microbiologist are here on vacation from Denver, Colorado. Also visiting are Pete Veriable and Penny Jennings, a psychologist from Long Beach, California. Following the tour they all departed smiling and happy and richer for having experienced this sacred place.

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