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Bodhinatha in Montreal

Here is Bodhinatha speaking at the Maha Kumbhabhishekam ceremonies at the Murugan Temple in Montreal.

He meets with priests during the ceremonies.

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

On pilgrimage for a few days is the long time devotee of Gurudeva, Michael Duncan, who has been on several Innersearches during his lifetime.

In the center, Mrs. V. Kamal, from Chennai, with her daughter Nirmala and friend Anu from San Jose. Nirmala and Anu attend the temples in Concord and Livermore.

They are devotees of Satya Sai Baba.

They enjoyed the tour of Iraivan and plan to return for the Maha Kumbhabhishekam.

S. Jeyakumar family from Auckland and Sydney, they coordinated the Innersearch visit in Auckland.

The couple on the right is Karthikeya and Jayalakshmi from Atlanta, Georgia. They have been in the US only four years and plan to return to India to raise a family

Everyone enjoys the Umbrella Ganesha…

Jeyakumar’s at the temple.

Muruga Hill is a lovely place for meditation and a quiet moment.

Sun One Homa

Then of course, today being Sun One we had our usual homa. Brahmachari Satya Subramaniam is behind the camera. No captions are needs as the photos tell the story very well on their own….

Paramacharya Palaniswami gave a short talk after the homa about his kulam’s on-going project of collecting up and transcribing all of Gurudeva’s early teachings.

He then shared some special Gurudeva sayings that the monks gathered into a binder way back in 1974. The binder recently appeared and was full of amazing wisdom.

Palaniswami read a few dozen and we share some of them here:

Until we can give up the animal nature, we never come into the spiritual nature. The only way to give up the animal nature is to gain discrimination. And how do we gain discrimination? By practicing, that is all & just by practicing, using your powers of discrimination all of the time. Discrimination gives willpower and willpower is your life. The more will you have, the more spirit you have and the more spirit you have the closer you are to God.

Realization comes to you. You do not go to it. It is there.

The ego gives power to things, which are not real and derives happiness from them.

Do not allow yourself to be hurt by life.

Use your willpower every chance you get. Then, you have to exercise your will to strengthen it. Little by little the mind becomes strong.

You can realize God in this life, but you must apply yourself. Arrive at the very core of your being, and then see what you can do to uplift humanity. For each one is evolving in his evolution toward his ultimate state of being when he will realize God. But, each one needs help.

Test yourself. Do you give power to the outer person or inner person? To live right now, right this instant is a spiritual power. It is the awakening of the soul. The mind lives in the past and it lives in the future. When you quiet the mind you live in the present. When you quiet your mind, you give your soul a chance. When you live in the present you eliminate fears, worries and doubts. Suppose you have problems. They will work themselves out if you can keep the confusion of your lower states of mind out of the way. And when your mind becomes calm, your future automatically works itself out. You make your future in the present.

With spiritual unfoldment, you have to become acquainted with a new you.

Your willpower is your soul in action.

You have to be big enough to overlook. It takes great humility to put yourself in a position where the spirit of God flows through you constantly.

Retreat Outing — Hike to Napali Coast

Some of the monks went for a hike up the first leg of the Napali Coast trail, Aubrey Burke from Canada will be going home soon, so we wanted him to get to see a bit of our beautiful island. They discovered a traversable sea cave at the beach at the end of the trail.

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