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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Here is Bodhinatha watching the abhishekam of murthis in San Antonio on his recent trip… more photos below.

Here are the silpis speaking from the Iraivan Temple foundation with two pilgrims from their homeland this morning.

In the background David Hett and wife, Gweneth, are approaching. David spent three months on Task Force in Nevada at our monastery back in 1975, and was delighted to spend some time at Gurudeva’s home today. Gweneth is a Shakespearean actress.

Deva Rajan was at the monastery all morning, working on plans that will guide the next few phases of construction of the temple.

In the shade of the Rudraksha trees he is marking the position of trees on a map that Thamby Kumaran made.

Afterwards Deva and Palaniswami took a trek to identify staging areas for future stone and lava rock and sand.

All of this information was transfered to the map for Thamby to update in VectorWorks.

The two walked the entire length of the property line to consider the best placement of a future maintenance road. Gurudeva’s vision continues to manifest, slow by slow as they say here in Hawaii. Yet it is already an awesome reality even as a still-under-construction site.

San Antonio Kumbhabhishekam

On Saturday and Sunday Bodhinatha attended the temple events in San Antonio, Texas. We bring you the story written up by Sadhaka Tejadevanatha.

This will be the future entrance to the main temple. The temple is now fundraising for a Raja Goporum at this very spot.

Today the weather was especially crisp and clear. Bodhinatha was the first to arrive at the temple.

A nice carving of ganesa at the base of the temples flag pole.

The sun is just starting to slip through the clouds.

The priest and are preparing for todays Ganesha Homa.

The homa pit is decorated and ready for agni.

Our Saiva priest begins the invocation of Lord Ganesha

Bodhinatha blessing the ceremony

the homa begins

many devotees take part in the homa

The kumbha water has been energized and now making its way to the main temple then on to the Ardhaanaarishwara temple

Bodhinatha also in the procession

Entering the temple

Ganesha receives abhishekam from the homa charged kumbha water

a side shrine to Lord Skanda


milk abhishekam

more milk

and more milk

tumeric water

Now we are at the Ardhanaarishwara temple.
To the left is Dr. Rao a strong supporter of Gurudeva

Bodhinatha meditates inside the shrine as the Kumbhabhishekam begins.

More pictures tomorrow….

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