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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Here is Bodhinatha giving a talk in San Antonio where he is now with Sadhaka Tejadevanatha. He was invited to attend the Mahakumbhabhishekam of this temple where Gurudeva has been years ago when it started.

The temple has a rarely seen Diety: Ardhanarisvara.

Tejadeva sends us photos and captions. He says:

“Bodhinatha was especially magnetic during his talk. One of the temple trustees commented that Bodhinatha speaks in such clear and concise way.”

Meanwhile at home we started a new phase with a quiet Sun One homa this morning.

Bodhinatha’s wonderful host in San Antonio,
Mr. and Mrs. Pemmaraju. Both have known Gurudeva since 1974 during the San Francisco days and both have traveled to Kauai several times. During dinner they had many wonderful stories to say about Gurudeva and his legacy that Bodhinatha is carrying forward.

The weather in San Antonio is a warm 85 degrees. Here is the end of a awesome sun set in these open Texas skies.

Bodhinatha’s accommodations are sponsored by Ramesh and Hansa, owners of The Comfort Inn San Antonio. The rooms are quite lovely with a nice pool.

Bodhinatha and his team always travel with a simple shrine. First thing upon arriving to any new destination they set up the shrine.

Today Bodhinatha was interviewed by the Michael Parker, a journalist with the San Antonio Express. Several years back Michael had the pleasure of interviewing Gurudeva during his visit to San Antonio.

Thank you Michael for the great interview.

Bodhinatha is greeted by the two priests of the San Antonio temple. Krishna Bharattar on the right and Rama Linga Shastri on the left. One Vaishnava and one Saiva.

Here thirty or so devotees of the temple gathered to listen to Bodhinatha’s talk on “Status and Role of Hindus and Hinduism today in the US and Abroad.”

This is cultural center located behind the temple.

Inside the cultural center.

Another breath taking view from the temple grounds. We don’t see such wide open expanses on our little island of Kauai.

The temple is perched on a hill top viewing untouched country side. What a spectacular location! It reminds one of Palani Hills.

This is the Ardhanarishwara that Gurudeva gave to the San Antonio Hindu community several years ago so they could build a temple. Ardhanarishvara is located in a smaller temple next to the main temple.

The main temple diety is Maha Vishnu.

Our two priests listen intently as Bodhinatha speaks.

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