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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

“Who doth know the luminosity of His Grace,
That spreads its radiance everywhere?
Who can fathom the grandeur of His gracious Feet?”

–Tirumantram. 1798

After many months of planning, a couple of new Kawasaki utility trucks arrived yesterday, to be blessed in the traditional way.

Yoginathaswami engineered the purchase and is so happy to have these wonderful tools for the construction and grounds work, which he oversees. You can hear the purr of the diesel engine in our clip below.

Gurudeva too enjoyed driving around with our small vehicles to survey the property and progress.

White flowers reach for the tropical sun.

Our special visitors brought lots of garlands to Lord Ganesha today!

Devotees worshipping and meditating during the morning Siva Puja.

Yogaswami once sent some of his devotees off on a journey to UK to take his teachings beyond the shores of Sri Lanka.

That one initiative has been replicated 100,000 times and more since then, as the traditional Saiva culture of Sri Lanka has been carried around the world in the hearts and minds of every devote Sri Lankan who is now living in lands far away from home.

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