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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Four today. The Siddhidata Kulam gave a thorough report on the many things they are doing.

As ever, work continues at the temple site, setting up the scaffolding for the silpis. Preparations have been underway for another stone lift tomorrow.

The kulam is also managing a re-roofing project and tree trimming project at the front of our property (see pictures below.)

Another project in motion is to re-vamp our ancient cesspool system and today a professional came to assist with planning an upgraded.

Satya Subramaniam has been serving this month in the Siddhidata Kulam and has learned the intricacies of food picking–where to find all the fruit, making sure it is ripe. He cited how impressed he was “I’m really impressed with how organized the Siddhidata Kulam is… and they have to be, they have dozens of projects and a million tools and things are coming up to be handled daily.”

Today our young aspirant from Maryland, Paul Hardman, is working on the Ganapati Kulam publishing team, helping the swamis edit an article on Indian music. Paul is a musician so his knowledge proved immensely useful for this task. You can see how happy he is to put his skills to work for the monastery.

At the entrance to the monastery lots of activity today.

Our neighbor, Bobby Soares, has a team reroofing the Information Center.

The terrific rains in March revealed several leaks, so we waited til the sun was shining and called Bobby.

Taking off the old shingles is the first step. There is a short movie below which also shows the nearby bush clearing project that is underway at the same time.

Nearby an extraordinary Day Lily blooms for the first time this year. The flowers are huge, about a foot across.

The tree-trimming team at work.

They are removing some shrugs and trees so additional parking can be provided for our visitors. Lots of noise.

Saiva Siddhanta Church Wailua Mission
Honors Our Silpis

A few days ago our Kauai Wailua Mission threw a New Year’s party for our silpi team. It was a heart-warming event and day’s later our silpis are still talking about it.

Isani Alahan sends some pictures and captions.

Irene Scott “Oma” mother of Kulapati Deva Seyon… waiting for the festivities to begin.

The church ladies waiting for the silpis to arrive.

The silpis serving themselves from the buffet style meal.

Exploring the back yard.

Cold Stone Ice cream cake. Yum!

Durvasa and Deva cut the cake

Admiring the carvings of South Indian Temples.

Receiving a small gift from the church members.

The Silpis.

The monks want to thank our members for their marvelous surprise and attention poured to the find men who are building Iraivan!

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