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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Two at the Aadheenam. Our Ekadanta Kulam gave their news. As always they are ever busy working on advance travel plans for Bodhinatha.

We bring you today yet another series of photos from our retreat… a “repeat” of yesterday’s TAKA” from a different angle.

Over the retreat some of the young monks and aspirants went on an excursion, which included a local nursery where the managers filled the monastery truck with free plants as a “thank you” to the monks.

Also during the retreat, we held Gurudeva’s Pada Puja on Chittra nakshatra. Yogi Japendranatha performed the puja, with Sadhaka Tejadeva helping him. You can watch a movie which has the monks chanting Rudram and parts of the Pada Puja as well. It’s a longer-than-usual movie.

Afterwards the silpis gathered by the temple pool for a New Years Day portrait.

Then all went out for the raising of the flag to mark the change of seasons.

All get together to help.

Kulapati Deva Seyon talks with Ceyonswami

The flag of the moksha ritau is down and the orange one of nartana ritau ready to go up.

Bodhinatha watches the flag move into place.

Then Bodhinatha invited everyone to join him in the Orchid Mandapam,

He surprised the silpis with a small gift to celebrate the new year and to congratulate them on work well done.

They were all smiles.

Not as exciting, but a truck arrived that afternoon.

It brought a load of rocks.

They will become part of a new Arid Garden being designed near Rishi Valley.

Thanks, Andy.

Saiva Siddhanta Church Golden Gate Mission

Our Golden Gate Mission members recently held a fund raiser concert in California for Iraivan Temple. Our members have decorated the foyer of the auditorium with a huge display of Iraivan and the Aadheenam.

Kulapati Easvan Param back stage

A giant Ganesha batik graces the stage.

Members having a quick snack. Everyone did a lot of work getting ready for the event.

The artists all performed as a gift to the temple.

A shrine on stage.

Chandran Param, master of the sound and light show console.

Kartikeya Katir back stage.

Master of Ceremonies Easan Katir.

Well… truth be told the “real” master of ceremonies was his wife Kulamata Sundari Katir who has been working hard for many moons to manifest this event. Thanks to Sundari and her whole team!

Artists receiving a gift at the end.

It was a great success, attended by about 500 people. After expenses, $5,000.00 was raised for the temple and it was a major publicity event for Iraivan on top of the funds raised. Congratulations to the whole mission for making this happen!

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