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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha arrived home this afternoon after a whirlwind weekend trip to Toronto and back.

All the monks gather to greet him at the entrance.

Yoginathaswami happy to be home.

Silpi helper Kumar came to greet Bodhinatha.

Paul Hardman from Maryland has come for a few months task force. An Himalayan Academy student, he is interested in monastic life.

Welcome to Kauai, Paul!

Photos from Toronto

Dharmalingam Siddhan traveled from Pennsylvania to Toronto to be with Bodhinatha. He sends photos of the events…

Picture of the Shrine set up for Gurudeva and Yogaswami.

Another picture of the shrine for Gurudeva and Yogaswami

Picture of Bodhinatha during the ceremony.

A picture of the stage area where the dancers performed before Bodhinatha

A picture of Bodhinatha on the stage during the celebration

A picture of the temple sponsor thanking Sannyasin Yoginathaswami and Satguru Bodhinatha for traveling from Kauai to the celebrations.

Bodhinatha performing the arati during the celebration.

Another picture of Bodhinatha performing the arati during the celebration.

A close up picture of Bodhinatha performing the arati during the celebration

Here is Dharmalingam having darshan with Satguru Bodhinatha in Toronto

Here is a picture that his daughter Dhara made as a gift to Bodhinatha. it reads “Will you help us find our way over the Tall Mountain?

Another meeting this time with the ever helpful Thiru Satkunendran.

Saiva Siddhanta Church Malaysia Mission

Meanwhile in Malaysia the Sri Lankan community there also held a big special puja in remembrance of Satguru Siva Yogaswami. Ravi sends photos and captions…

Here is a picture of our Kulamathas , church families and devotees at Yogaswami’s special, pooja
function at Sri Kandaswamy Kovil, Scots Road , Kuala Lumpur. This event was organised by Malaysian Ceylon Saivites Association. Pooja was held in remembrance of Jnanaguru Yogaswami (Satguru to our beloved Gurudeva).

With a huge picture of Saint Yogaswami on stage center, Prof. Dr. Thilakavathy, an excellent academician , prominent well know educator in Malaysia gave the opening welcoming speech for Yogaswami’s special remembrance pooja (Mahasamadhi Day). Managed to have a short interview with her and her sister after the event.

She fondly remembers her days during childhood of Yogaswami. Her sister also gave a prominent account of how they would run quickly out from their home when Yogaswami comes to their home on a horse pulled carriage!! Her father would instruct them to fall on His feet on the road..they would fall on His feet and `tagged along’ the `red soil ‘ on their clothing! Shows how revered He was even in those days…

..devotees following the event attentively..

A wonderful sales booth were erected …at entrance of temple’s hall

..the `women power behind’ this actitivity.. `Akka’ – Gowri and Selvavathy minding the sales booth….

Gowri `akka’ with a special package for sales……..

..wonderful natchinthanai songs were performed by our church youngsters..a delight to see them singing…

Senior Kulapathi, Kuppusamy gave a wonderful narration of the the content of Yogaswami’s book.

Back at the sales booth… very busy.

..beautiful..fantastic are the words…I bought one with `Endless Love’ framed of all our Satguru..

..wonderful sales booth…its `soul catching’ displays……

Some innovative ideas in creating Iraivan Temple fund raisers…..

Hmmm!!..interesting…what shall I ask mother to buy for me..?

…quite a sales today for Gowri akka today!

Gurudeva’s books , HT, children’s books were also up for sales…

…lovely displays..Anyone out there wants them..? Order now with Gowri `akka’…!!!!

A sweet elderly lady poses with Gowri.

It was a marvelous and joyful event for all.

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