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Announcement: Hinduism Today Magazine Launches Free Digital Edition

In April of 2005, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami talked about his vision for taking Gurudeva’s work forward into the digital revolution, beginning with a Digital Edition of Hinduism Today. Today, April 1st, 2006, we can say “Yes, we did it!”

It seemed like an “impossible dream” but our Ganapati Kulam and collaborators Kulapati Sadhunathan Nadesan and Andre Alverez Garzia in Brazil are pleased to release Version 1.0 of the Hinduism Today Digital Edition.

The entire April/May/June, 2006, issue is available in full-color PDF format via a free subscription. Click on “source,” follow the directions and download a simple internet interface program (which we call Brazil) to manage your subscription. Think of it like “iTunes” for your Hinduism Today digital edition library.

Here is our publications team. Of course, it’s also the support and help from all our writers, photographers, journalists, IT collaborators, readers and advertisers that make up the final product which is our global magazine. We send you all a big “Mikka Nandri,” “Mahalo” and “Thank you” on this historic day. For the first time, people in every nation of the world, no matter their geography or financial status, can access the full, graphically-rich magazine online. And share it with all their friends. And it’s absolutely free!

When you subscribe, you get a small simple application that is “internet savvy.” With the click of a few buttons, you’ll be able to download to your computer and view in Acrobat program the digital duplicate of the color print edition, but with added “rich media” features. That means if you click any web address URL in the magazine, your browser will launch and take you right there. Then there are the really kewl features. On page 10, you can click the “play” button and hear Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami read his Publisher’s Desk piece, “The World Is an Ashram.” On page 23, you can click and watch a marvelous movie on Delhi’s new Akshardham temple. This issues’s Insight Section has detailed instructions on a home puja to Lord Ganesha. With rich media, we’re able to make available via page I-5 an authoritative recitation of the Sanskrit chanting for the entire puja. And, of course, you get the spectacular photographs and graphics that have always made Hinduism Today one of the best religious magazines in the world.

As with the print edition, our idea is to uplift and inform Hindus around the world. The digital edition will reach those unable to subscribe to the print edition. If you want to help, you can share this link with all who would be interested in receiving Hinduism’s only global spiritual magazine. We especially hope to engage the computer-savvy youth in this way. So, spread the word. Go now to subscribe to the Hinduism Today Digital Edition

Today the Ganapati Kulam went for a meeting to review the publications goals for the next three years. Hundreds of projects were reviewed, scheduled, refined. We have a bright future ahead for carrying Gurudeva’s teachings forward to the next generation and beyond!

Sadhaka Adninatha is one of the senior monks of Kauai’s Hindu monastery and a strong senior sadhaka of the order. His is a steady, strong, inner presence…

He also has a great sense of humor. Sadhaka is also doing some “pioneering” work in the cultivation of trees on our Himalayan Acres property. He and the other members of the kulam were thrilled to see the sun shining today.

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