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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today Bodhinatha received the gift that was given to him on Innersearch. A new intel Mac Book Pro.

Bodhinatha is working with a high-end program called Keynote for making all his presentations and educational resources. But his present Mac is a bit sluggish for the giant files he is producing, and this one will give him new abilities and efficiencies. “Thanks” to all who gave to give this gift.

The full story below

Siva above us
Siva below us
Siva to the left of us
Siva to the right of us
Siva in front of us
Siva behind us
Siva outside us
Siva within us

Siva in the cats outside the publications building.

Siva in the mountain,
and Siva in His Hawaiian home, there behind the orange flagpole

And, yes, Siva in the MacBook Pro. What? You ask.

Well, the story goes like this. On the Australia-New Zealand Innersearch in January, all of the Innersearchers secretely got together to find a gift for Bodhinatha, in thanks for all his hard work on the Innersearch program.

They chose the newest Macintosh laptop, and it arrived today.

It’s the MacBook Pro, Apple’s fastest and sweetest computer. Yogi Japendranatha opened up the box today.

And inside the box, he found a box.

And inside that more things and boxes.

Then finally the computer. It’s Apple’s first Intel-chip Mac, and the world is more than a bit enthused about it, and its speed.

Blessed by Siva.

That little black dot is the built-in camera for video conferencing.

Yogi set up to transfer Bodhinatha’s system and files to the new Mac.

There are the new and the old, side-by-side, millions of bytes flowing through the FireWire (like intraSiva trafficking), with Iraivan in the distance.

Once the transfer was done, we took a walk to deliver it to Bodhinatha’s office.

On the way stopping at an amazing orchid which smells just like coconuts.

Then into the Mahogany Room, the Satguru’s office.

We found Bodhinatha working away on his upcoming travels to Canada.

Greetings, Bodhinatha, we have a surprise for you!

Yogi Japendranatha presented the Innersearchers’ gift, which Bodhinatha was SO happy to see.

Yogi mentioned it was not from us but from all who traveled with Bodhinatha earlier this year.

It comes with a special traveling case.

A few minutes later a call came. Our crane operator is coming, so Dandapani and Palaniswami grabbed their cameras and trekked to the Iraivan site to capture the events of this important day.

Out the building and onto the paths.

Someone left a small offering.

Off to Iraivan in the rain they went.

As they arrived, stones were being lifted into place.

About twenty stones went up this morning despite inclement weather. Inclement. . . what an understatement! We learn today that Mount Waialeale, in our front yard, has received the world-record rain for March, over 91 inches ina single month! We got less, but were wet all month just the same.

Above Yoginathaswami guides the process with the Silpis all in their bright yellow raincoats placing the stones for tomorrow’s fitting process.

On the ground the noble Siddhidatta Kulam team worked with operator Larry Conklin.

They lash the stones and balance the weight so the stones arrive up above flat and ready to drop in place, gently that is.

The placement of the straps is critical and our team has learned the art.

We also took some video shots of the tone lifting today. You can watch the process by clicking on our movie of the day below.

This is the first of six crocodile stones to be lifted. The rainwater from the top of the temple will be channeled out of the mouths of the crocodiles into large granite pots below.

Larry told us this morning “Someone else cancelled because of rain, but you don’t mind working in the rain, so I will be there.”

No our team doesn’t mind at all!

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