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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Four… very quiet at the Aadheenam. Everyone focused on their work… The Ganapati Kulam shared news today.

  • Much work going on in advance for the production of a special book early next year: “What is Hinduism” comprising a collection of all the educational center sections of Hinduism Today, in full color.
  • Intensive work on the Digital Edition of Hinduism Today by our team here and associated IT creatives, Andre Garzia in Brazil and Sadhunathan Nadesan.
  • On going work on the article of Hinduism Today for the next issue.
  • New web initiatives on several fronts: movies, podcasts (see the link on the right) etc.

We leave you today with just these two photos and the words of Siva Yogaswami:


We are the servitors of Siva. No harm will befall us, if without forgetting we meditate on the holy mantram that we have neither beginning nor end, neither birth or death, neither day nor night, neither happiness nor sorrow.

What you contemplate, that you become.

Persistent spiritual effort is necessary. Do not become discouraged. Those who fail to toil will not reap any reward. No pains, no gains is a familiar saying in the world. persevere until you succeed. Why do you constantly ponder on unworthy pursuits? Banish these futile intents and worship God with a full heart. Accept joyfully and carry out whatever is dispensed to you. In the end everything will lead you to success. Perform cheerfully whatever work and duties are assigned to you, and be convinced that everything that happens is for the best. It is so. You may even ignore these things altogether. Both courses are acceptable. Your liberation does not depend on action or inaction. Do not desire to be free of action. Do not become attached to action. Devote yourself to that which naturally befalls you, whether it involves action or inaction.

–Natchintanai. 368.


Greater than life itself is good conduct. Those who conduct themselves with rectitude possess everything that is worthwhile. Non-killing, non-stealing, non-vituperation, non-covertness, truthfulness and humility–these are useful assets for virtuous living.

In whatever pursuits you are engaged, you should train yourself to work with zeal, keennesss and delight. Such a discipline will lead you to acquire steadfastness of the mind. It is then that the mind develops the power of one pointedness, which in turn will lead you to enjoy an abundance of anma-sakti. Thenceforth everything will be bright, and you will not be disturbed by the agitations caused by seeing the difference in objects, as friends and foes, light and darkness.

“Everything originates in me; everything finds permanency in me; in me everything revolves in dissolution.”–So must we become suffused with such pure thoughts. Further, we must frequently meditate as follows: “Nothing do I lack; everyone loves me and I too love all.”–Meditating thus, one should endeavor to live up to this ideal. If one can practice spiritual sadhana in this way, the capacity to know everything and the power to do anything will develop spontaneously.

–Natchintanai. 369.

Aum Tat Sat Aum


We are the servitors of Lord Siva. We lack nothing. Our duty is to serve the Lord. It is the fundamental goal of our life in this world.

The moon fulfills the will of Siva. The sun and other planets also carry out His bidding.

The gods and demons, and all other beings are also engaged in the performance of the Lord’s work.

In everything do we see the will of Siva at work. Not an atom moves but by His will–nothing gained and nothing lost. We continue to be ever the same.

There is no one above us or superior to us; good and evil cannot affect us. There is no beginning and no end for us. We have no likes or dislikes; we have no desire for material goods. The specter of the mind does not haunt us; neither are we bound by the limitations of place, time or causation. We simply bear witness to everything around us.

Aum! Tat Sat Aum !

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