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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is a quiet day at the Aadheenam, the Pillaiyar Kulam shared news today. They are distributing all old editions of Dancing with Siva and Merging with Siva to libraries in Australia. Shanmuganathaswami continues to work hard on developing new efficient mailing programs and will be getting a shrink wrap machine soon to mail Hinduism Today out to people who signed the guest book along with a Mini-mela catalog…..

An amazing book has arrived at the monastery from India. It is a volume containing the eleven Samhitas, or hymn sections, of the Vedas.

The text is in Sanskrit, of course, beautifully assembled and printed.

Coming in its own wooden case, this book helps fulfill Gurudeva’s wish to have the Vedas and Agamas at the monastery. They have been quite elusive. This book is titled “Shabda Veda,” published by Rajasthan Patrika, ISBN# 818632600121. The book is priced inside the cover at Rs5500 or US$300 and can be ordered through Moltilal Banarsidass, We should advise if you do order the book that the binding is not quite as well done as it might be, and may need to be rebound. It also weighs 30 pounds, so shipping is substantial.

Umbrellas left open in front of Kadavul temple today, as pilgrims enjoy the 9am Siva Puja on a wet morning.

Inside the women are on the left, following tradition.

Outside, Tandu Sivanathan has brought us a new bonsai creation. It appears to be a forest of trees, but this entire forest in only two feet tall! Two bonsais are set by the temple pool to charm visitors.

We close today’s TAKA with photos that speak for themselves, water, water Kauai Today and it is all rushing to merge with the Wailua and then on to the sea… these are from the lovely “secret” tiny “Bali Hai” falls by the river below Iraivan temple…

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