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News From the Other Side of the Equator

Bodhinatha is in Sydney today… We will catch up with the team with pictures. They closed the innersearch, finished their stay in Auckland, New Zealand, flew to Melbourne and then to Sydney.

Hot news just arriving moments ago: “Bodhinatha had a nice TV interview last night in the hotel room with professional lighting, TV screen, etc. This morning the Sydney Morning Herald (largest newspaper in New South Wales state) interviewed him for about 90 minutes. Then at 3:15pm ABC National Radio is coming to interview him.”

Here is Bodhinatha being greeted at the Ganesha temple in Auckland… more on the last days in New Zealand below.

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We are blessed to have rains these past few days. Everyone is huddle inside working on their various projects… Outside the mystical views of Iraivan through the falling rain.

The Wailua in spate…

Bodhinatha on TV in Australia

Paramacharya Palaniswami reporting in from Sydney:

“The Australian TV station Sigaram interviewed Bodhinatha for an hour and a half today in Sydney. They are a major station serving the Tamil communities in the country. Mathini Wigneswaran, who came to Kauai with her mother last year, made all of the arrangements. And it was Mathini who crafted a series of questions that would guide the evening. With her questions as the story line, Bodhinatha took Australians through an overview of Gurudeva’s work and mission, Yogaswami and our experiences in Sri Lanka, Iraivan and Kadavul temples, Hinduism Today magazine and life at the aadheenam. Perhaps more importantly, many of the questions toured areas of concern among the Hindus in Australia: mixed marriages, passing religion along to the next generation, and even the issue of whether moneys now being spent to build Hindu temples might be better spent on social service projects.”

“Congratulations to Mathini for engineering such a grand introduction to the larger Australian Hindu community.”

Innersearch Retrospective Continues

Jan 19 (last day of Innersearch): This morning we had our finale breakfast up on a hill at the Waitakere estate. A beautiful place which overlooks the city of Auckland.

We started the morning event by having each person give a testimony about their last 2-weeks of Innersearching with Bodhinatha.

Then it was time to give Chudika Mahadevan her birthday gift.

A 100 percent wool sweater from sheep world.

From left, Clive Roberts, Devi Tandavan, Lynda and Joel Knepp sing a song that Lynda composed.

Next we honor the amazing team of Sivathondars from Auckland who helped us organize the temple events. Jeyakumar and wife Kala. They worked tirelessly to coordinate events during and after the Innersearch for Bodhinatha.

Yogini Ratnasabapathy and her father. Part of the devoted Auckland team.

Last but not least, the dynamic Mrs Ratna Sithambaranathan and her husband. Each received a shawl and a painting that tells a story from our Guru Parampara. Mrs. Sithambaranathan is a star temple builder for Iraivan temple and one of our top fund raisers.

Kailash Dhaksinamurthi who has worked so hard over the last few months to help with the putting together of this Innersearch is appreciated by Bodhinatha.

Thank you Kailash for always being ready to serve the Guru and for never ever saying no when asked to do something.

Bodhinatha shares his final thoughts on the study program that he has guided the Innersearchers on over the last 2 weeks.

A gift from all the participants. A beautiful art hand drawn by Chudika Mahadevan.

Innersearchers collected some funds among themselves and decided to buy Bodhinatha a new power book lap top. Bodhinatha holds up a photo of what the power book looks like.

A standing ovation for Bodhinatha.

Later that evening, Bodhinatha arrives at the 3 Kings Centre for the “Getting to Know You” event.

About 100 people attended this evening event.

Mrs. Ratna Sithambaranathan guides a group of children in singing a few thevarams to welcome Bodhinatha.

Reunion! Dr. Shanmuganathan who traveled with Gurudeva throughout Sri Lanka in 1981 is happy to see and be with Bodhinatha and Palaniswami. He also brought photos of their meeting in 1981.

Jan 20th: A quiet morning of rest after two weeks of intense activity. In the afternoon Bodhinatha met privately with some devotees. Mr. Ilango Krishnamoorthy on the right was extremely helpful throughout our stay in Auckland.

with Yogini and family.

with Mr. & Mrs. Sithambaranathan.

with Jeyakumar, Kala and son.

Then it was off to the Kattpaga Vinayagar temple in Papakura.

a traditional welcome for a visiting swami.

Chandru Kurukkal, chief priest of the temple, lovingly welcomes Bodhinatha.

He comes from and was trained in Kerala.

A beautifully decorated kumbha.

The temple president presents Bodhinatha with a tray of offerings.

Chandru Kurukkal chanted beautifully throughout the very inspiring puja he conducted.

Bodhinatha then headed off to the New Zealand Hindu Temple Society. Gurudeva had given this name for the temple.

Gurudeva also presented the community with this big Ganesha statue to get the temple building process going. Currently Ganesha is located in a small building but the community is in the process of buying a land to build a traditional temple.

A group photo of all who attended the evening event. The next day we were off to Melbourne, Australia.

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