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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha Day Eleven (and last day)

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming three-day retreat,
until Dvitiya Tithi, Sun One, Saturday, December 17th.

We wanted to run this “ad” for Gurudeva’s Toolbox, again, because we think it is such a valuable addition to anyone’s library. And a great gift to anyone.

This is a book for “every family” as you can see from the Table of Contents, it touches on some many key areas of life as Gurudeva answers key questions:

Facing burdens of the past? 1
Worried about the future? 3
Having trouble meditating? 5
Angry all the time? 7
No time for spiritual practice? 8
Experiencing uncontrollable fear? 10
Can’t connect with God and the Gods? 11
Wishing your karma was better? 12
Seeking to understand the mind? 13
Are you indecisive and insecure? 17
Suffering from psychic attacks? 19
Do you often ask, “Why me?”  21
Can’t concentrate your mind to get things done? 23
Looking for a guru to guide your life? 24
Feeling sick? Working to be healthy? 26
Alone and feeling depressed? 27
Struggling with desires for sex, money, food and clothes? 28
Having trouble with bad habit patterns? 33
Trying to work with impossible people? 35
Are you reacting to everything all the time? 37
In the final days of your life on Earth? 39
Facing an arranged or assisted marriage? 40
Don’t approve of whom your child wants to marry? 42
Not getting along with your spouse? 43
Is your wife unhappy? 44
Don’t know what to do next in life? 45
Can’t control the kids? 47
Having trouble with mother-in-law? 49
Parents divorced? Feeling neglected? 51
Suffering under money problems? 53
Is someone thinking about suicide? 54
Is someone you know dying? 56

It is Krittika Deepam day and this is a quiet celebration at the Aadheenam. We light special lamps in the temple around the Crystal Lingam…

Meanwhile in India we sent our world-class photographer, Thomas Kelly along with reporter, Chudi Sivaram, to Tiruvannamalai to cover the Festival of Lights celebrations there which are “out of this world.” Watch for an marvelous photo documentary of this in a coming issue of Hinduism Today. And we may even have some video to include in our soon to be released Digital Edition of the magazine…

Working on the top of Iraivan…

Yoginathaswami smiles for our camera while calling down measurements to his team on the ground…

Old fashioned pulley hoist for buckets of mortar mixed below for jointing above.

Many pillars and roof beams, ready to go up…

Here is Tyler, from Tennessee. In the mornings he has been going around to the different kulams, getting to work with and know everyone. And helping the Siddhidata Kulam in the afternoon. The ever important job of keeping our irrigation ditch free of debris…

Tyler’s new Hindu name is wonderful:

Dharmaraj Tillai

Tomorrow will be the last day of his 3-month task force program and he returns to Tennessee to rejoin his family early Thursday morning. He has been a wonderful soul and we look forward to having him return one day.

Innersearch Is Almost Here!

With only 20-days to go before Bodhinatha flies out for his next Innersearch we are busy pulling together all the details for the trip. Invitations are also coming in from temples in Australia requesting Bodhinatha to visit.

New Zealands’ spectacular coast line which we will get to see when we do a cruise along the Milford Sound fiords.

Here’s Gurudeva and 71 other Innersearchers in Talinn, Estonia posing for that ever-famous Innersearch group photo. What will be the backdrop for this Innersearch group photo?

Innersearch Caribbean, 2002…

There are still a few seats left so if you are planning on going we’d love to have you with us. Email Sadhaka Dandapani at or call him on 1-808-822-3012, Ext 239.

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Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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