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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It has been a quiet day at the Aadheenam. We were visited by a Hindu couple from Chicago who met Gurudeva about 25 years ago when Gurudeva donated the first Ganesha statue to the group that eventually built the Sita Ram temple. That murthi now lives in the smaller Siva temple that was later built on the same property.

We had a voice mail report from Arumugaswami. Yesterday in New Delhi was a “working day.” Arumugaswami met with all the reporters, photographers and Hinduism Today contributors he deals with in North India, Rajiv Malik, Prabha Bardwaj, Madhu Kishwar, and others. Then stop at the Udaiyan Orphanage, an institution which has a fund in the Hindu Heritage Endowment… where the young girls are being very well taken care of.

They also visited with CNA, Central News Agency where Shanmuganathaswami discussed various ways to expedite distribution of the magazine through South Asia with CNA’s help. And they also had a meal with the R.P. Jain family of the famed Motilal Benarsidas publishing company that has been reprinting Gurudeva’s books for many years.

Today, Bodhinatha and his team just completed an event filled day at our Iraivan Temple worksite in Bangalore. There was a festive spirit, Deepavali-Ayudhya celebration, honoring of silpis and fabulous fireworks and meeting with many devotees and Hinduism Today contacts there as well.

Later today they will take an afternoon flight to Chennai.

We bring you more photos from Maha Samadhi day puja at the Aadheenam last phase, from the lens of Sadhunathan Nadesan…

Gurudeva Maha Samadhi Puja, 2005

Gurudeva’s Mahasamadhi pada puja begins.

Early morning devotees.


Sadhakas perform the abhishekam under the direction of Pundit Janahan.

Flower sprinkles.

After the puja, a rare sight – clear skies over Waialeale.

The pond.

A clear mountain. Rare indeed for the wettest mountain on earth. Could it be that Gurudeva arranged it?

Paramacharya Palaniswami headed that way.

Grandpa Aran.

Lush aadheenam grounds.

Can’t resist a few more shots of Waialeale

Mom Vasuki Sendan and sleeping baby Veylan.

Bhavani Param enters the guru peedam for seminar with Paramacharya Palaniswami.

Paramacharya reads his sonnet for Gurudeva – he is composing a new one each year.

Dasan Mahadevan contemplates the question posed to all – what is the core teaching Gurudeva gave you that is most relevant in your life today? (As if there were only one!). Deva Seyon also contemplates the question.

Devotees came from far and near, including Vancouver.

Kulamati Amala Seyon ponders the question.

Aum Sahana vavatu ..

Touching Swami’s feet.

Acharya Kumarswami on the left, Yogi adjusts the microphone.

Acharya Kumarswami

Later that evening, which was Divali and Halloween, devotees celebrate Shakti Mahadevan’s birthday at local Thai restaurant, Sukohai. The owners of the restaurant have often provided food for aadheenam functions. It is the only restaurant we know of on Kauai with a picture of Gurudeva on the wall.

Happy birthday! Amala Seyon and Dasan in the background.

Presents! A joyful ending to a wonderful day!

Jai Gurudeva!

Below we have a photo from a temple in the UK sent by Indra Sivayogam, who also held
a Maha Samadhi puja for Gurudeva there.

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