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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It was a magnificent day at the Aadheenam, the final day of our Mahasamadhi observance and this phase as well. Later this afternoon Bodhinatha, Arumugaswami, Shanmuganathaswami and Yoginathaswami all flew off for a mission to New Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai….

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Dvitiya Tithi, Sun One, Thursday, November 3rd.

The day began with the Chitra puja for Gurudeva… conducted by Janahan with the help of our young pujari monastics.

And we bring you another video of this morning’s events.

We will share these beautiful songs by Siva Yogaswami which proclaim so well the spirit of our love of our Satgurus…

“Indweller in the hearts of bhaktars,
Hara, Hara! Siva, Siva! The core of the Vedas!

Golden and gem-like art Thou O comely King!
The Monarch whom all accomplished ones extol.

Oh luminous insight ‘neath the seeing eye,
All-filling and illumining like the sun ray!

Male art Thou and yet female too,
The Heavenly One whom devotees adore.

The crescent moon adorns Thy hair,
And the hunted tiger’s skin Thou dost wear.

Thou did’st conjure up the sea of milk,
And pervadeth both heaven and earth.

Thou dost reveal the essence of holy texts,
The slim-waisted She on Thy left adorns.

O supreme Knowledge who at Thillai danceth,
Siva, Siva! Siva, Siva! That art Thou O Lord!

O bestower of bounteous Grace!
Who in form like mine manifested in Nallur!

“The peerless One who is Father, Mother and Guru,
He fosters me as in me He dwelleth.
the Primal One absolves me from past deeds.
Him I come to know and merge in Love with Him.”

After the puja, everyone comes to see Bodhinatha and receive a gift….

Jnanideva Cevvel with”Gurudeva’s Toolbox”

A publication especially prepared for this Maha Samadhi.. a limited edition of 500 copies will be made available shortly.

Beautiful photos to remember Gurudeva with his priceless wisdom on dealing with life’s issues.

We want to thank Janahan Iyer for taking time out of his schedule to come to Kauai and performs such powerful and uplifting ceremonies for us…

Six-year old Sandhya from California is very shy, but she has a great singing talent and already knows many Natchintanai songs and led bhajan in the temple today!

Gurudeva’s shrine …

Arumugaswami is off to New Delhi. The main event for this trip is Bodhinatha being present to bless and give a talk at the opening of the Swami Narayan Fellowship’s new fantastic and giant center in New Delhi.

“Oh Lord, who bides within the hearts of thy servitors
Who call on Thee as Our Father, Dear Father!
Oh Form of Grace divine, descent! O Bliss that fills the eyes!
Take me ‘neath thy sway, for now is the crucial time. “

“Depraved I feel without an iota of charity or penance,
Yet I feign to be a man endowed with high wisdom–
Oh Lord, who dons the crescent in Thy fiery locks,
Take me ‘neath thy sway, lest I faint and fall.”

“Can those great seers who by self have realized the Self,
Suffer the illusion of heaven, and evolutes of matter?
Oh who ridest on the bull, with locks bedecked by Konrai blooms
Here and now, for ever, do Thou take me ‘neath thy sway.”

“That Light that mingles with the seeing eye,
That Lord, have you seen?
That which is not male or female and yet both,
Have you not perceived that?

He who pervades earth and heaven
Have you not beheld Him?
He who is Beauty and Excellence,
Have you not experienced yet? “

” He comes as mother and father,
Did’st thou know Him as Siva?
He who animates in you and me,
Can you not realize Him?

That which nourishes the fruits to mature
Can you not relish It?
That which pulsates air and fire,
Can you not discern It?

That tonic that makes mortals immortal,
Have you tasted It and rejoiced?
The Lord who danceth in cremation grounds,
Can you not see without distinction? “


Innersearch only has a few seats left! Don’t wait… join Bodhinatha for study program in 2006. Go to our Innersearch web site for details

A magnificent day on Kauai…

Shaila Pushpa Sendan is very happy to have a new baby brother.

It was guest day today … the last day of a six-day phase.

Mount Waialeale was clear…

We will end today, and let the rest of the photos speak for themselves of the great gift our Kauai Aadheenam and Iraivan Temple which Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami has given to the world.

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