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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha meets with Rohini and Jean-Marie on their last day at the Aadheenam before they return home to Montreal. Jean-Marie said he got a lot of sun on the outside from Kauai and a clarifying sun on the inside from the temple…

Here are more pictures from the arrival of the 9000-pound Murugan from Mahabalipuram, India. It is a form of Shanmuga, the six-faced Lord of Yoga, Son of Siva, beloved deity of the Tamil people. This was gifted by an anonymous devotee from Sri Lanka, and took two years to carve in South India from a single giant black granite stone. This is the first Shanmuga on the property, with six heads and twelve arms, each holding a sacred implement of Lord Murugan’s powers. This magnificent sculpture which we can’t see today, because it’s in the crate. But here is a sketch from which the sculptors’ worked.

It is destined to stand beneath the sprawling banyan tree at the entrance to the monastery, sitting on a 6-sided platform to grace all who visit in the years ahead.

San Diego Events Continued

Shakti Mahadevan got a huge black forest chocolate cake for Bodhinatha which her husband now takes over to Bodhinatha’s table.

Do I have to blow out all those candles?

This is going to be exciting…

Here we go…

1 more left to go…

All out in one breath….phew! Congratulations Bodhinatha!

Lakshmi Sukumar sings a happy birthday song in Sanskrit that was composed by her guru, Swami Tejomayananda

Bodhinatha received many gifts including this beautiful shawl.

Now it’s time for lunch.

Tushar and Alka Doshi came down from LA. They have been fundraising for the construction of the Hanuman Mandapam that will be next to Iraivan Temple and have raised $11,000 already. Thank you for your support.

The cake did not last very long.

Ron and Gayle Kilderback, readers of Hinduism Today.

Delicious vegetarian lunch for all who came.

Dr. Shan Sunder was our guest speaker for the day.

He shared with everyone about his connection with Gurudeva and the medical work that he is doing in Sri Lanka.

Bodhinatha presented him with a shawl to our appreciation for his support of Gurudeva’s work over the years.

Thank you Dr. Sunder for everything that you do.

His wife, Thilaka.

Diksha and Usha Katir were instrumental in making Bodhinatha’s visit a grand success.

Josan Feathers and Lisa Marston.

Sadhaka Dandapani takes a moment to pose for a photo with Suresh, Nelly, Hema, Sundari and Velu.
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