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Historical Yoga Sutras

As many know, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami (who is in Malaysia today) has been working in the early hours before dawn for many months on a new edition of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. It is historic because it is an interpretation of the classical 195 sutras from a Saiva Siddhanta point of view. Most editions follow the Advaita Vedanta take, so this one is unique in that it gives monistic theism exposition. We share here below a verse from the third canto, so you can enjoy the progress and the style. You will note we are including Gurudeva's writings on the topic at hand. In the slideshow we share one of the ten works of art done in Kerala for the book, which will be highly illustrated, as is our style.

vyutthna-nirodha-saskrayor-abhibhava-prdur-bhvau nirodha-kaa-cittnvayo nirodha-parima .. 3.9..

nirodha-parima = the development of/transformation toward (parima) restraint (nirodha) | abhibhava-prdurbhvau = is both the manifesting (prdurbhvau) and subjugating (abhibhava) | vyutthna-nirodha-saskrayo = of the subtle impressions (saskrayo) of restraint (nirodha) and going out (vyutthna) | nirodha-kaa-citta-anvaya = connected with/following (anvaya) the mind (citta) at the moment (kaa) of restraint (nirodha) |

Sutra: Restraint develops when the externalizing samskaras are subdued by the restraint samskaras, which appear in the mind at the moment of restraint.

Bhashya: The yogi through his inner work and discipline develops new samskaras which neutralize and subdue the worldly samskaras which are the common man's lot. These yogic impressions are brought to bear and further strengthened each time he strives to control the mind, to quiet the mental noise. Slowly his controlling impressions become stronger than the instinctive impressions that normally dominate and he is able to use the one to be rid of the other. This subtle interaction between the control and the controlled is a major discussion in the sutras, to be understood through practice and more practice.

Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
As you sit to meditate, awareness may wander into past memories or future happenings. It may be distracted by the senses, by a sound or by a feeling of discomfort in the body. This is natural in the early stages. Gently bring awareness back to your point of concentration. Don't criticize awareness for wandering, for that is yet another distraction. Distractions will disappear if you become intensely interested and involved in your meditation.

5 Responses to “Historical Yoga Sutras”

  1. Pethuraja says:


  2. Madan Ganesh V says:

    This is so powerful rendering of 8 Siddhis. So blessed to witness what is happening!

    O ! Wait ! Long finished! Thank you Paramaguru ! Thank you Satguru Gurudeva ! Thank you Satguru Bodhinatha !

    I begin to compare each of these siddhies with all the miracles mentioned in puranas! Did our Rishi’s / Ancestors try to explain all of these through stories so that children can understand!


    Aum Namah Sivaya.

  3. hitesvara saravan says:

    Jai Bodhinathaji. It is such an honor to be among the few who have found a true Satguru in this lifetime. Bodhinatha’s bhashyas on this and all of Gurudeva’s teachings provide us with pointers that we can understand to the Supreme Truth. Aum Namah Sivaya.

  4. Charles Close says:

    Aum Shanti Aum!
    Mingbasida received!
    Aum Namaha Siviya
    Sri Ekadantaya Brahmandria:)

  5. deva seyon says:

    Two great Masterworks are on the horizon! Learning patience! ! 🦢

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