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New Photos of Our Monks

Jai to the Nandinatha Sampradaya!
Jai Kailasa Parampara!

Several days ago our monks gathered at Iriavan Temple for a brief photoshoot of the order and for individual portraits which hadn't been updated in some time. Our taskforcers, Mayuran and Chandipati joined in to help take some of the photos.

"The Natha Sampradaya has revealed the search for the innermost divine Self, balanced by temple worship, fueled by kundalini yoga, charted by monistic theism, illumined by a potent guru-shishya system, guided by soul-stirring scriptures and awakened by sadhana and tapas." - Gurudeva


6 Responses to “New Photos of Our Monks”

  1. deva seyon says:

    “If I get ten or twelve boys with the faith of Nachiketa, I can turn the thoughts and pursuits of this country in a new channel.”

    “A few heart-whole, sincere, and energetic men and women can do more in a year than a mob in a century.”

    “Give me few men and women who are pure and selfless and I shall shake the world.”

    These quotes from Vivekananda sound like something Gurudeva would have said . . . and then did. How difficult is it to give up everything to pursue the one thing, the only thing that matters? Only one in many millions will even attempt it. How blessed we are to have their blessings on every pilgrimage to the Temple.

  2. Thiru SATKUNENDRAN says:

    Om Sivaya, gracefully maturing swamis of the Kailasa Paramparai, may all of you be healthy, and guide us on the San Marga path, during these difficult times, as one after another, human as well as nature made calamities appear to be on the rise!!!

  3. Pethuraja says:


  4. Thilaiampalam Sivayogapathy says:

    Aum Namasivaya!

    Aum ! Sri Kailasa Parampara Potri!

    Vanakkam ! Satguru Bodhinatha & the Gurus of Guru Parampara!

    May the Almighty Sri NATARAJA PERUMAN Shower His Blessings

    to you All for Sound Health & to Continue/Perform many SIVATHONDUS

    GLOBALLY, to Propagate SAIVAISM & to feed the deserving Humanity & all Lives!

    Aum Siva, Siva!

    Mikka Nanri, (Thanks)

    Anpudan, (With Love)




  5. Ramai Santhirapala says:

    Blessed we are to be in the ray of Our beloved Satguru and Soldiers of the Within. Mahalo for this beautiful post and dharsan which emanates through cyberspace. Mikka Nandri for the surrounding love, wisdom and blessings which guide in seen and unseen ways. Have a wonderful Maha Sivarathri 🙏🏾

  6. Aditya Jha says:

    Great to have the darshan of all of you

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