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Namakarana for Aspirant Akash Katir

Jai Ganesha!

Recently, at the Siva Murugan Temple in Concord, California, monastic aspirant Akash Katir observed his Namakarana Samskara, officially establishing himself with his new name and formally entering Hinduism. Once his legal name change process has concluded, he will be able to return to Kauai to pursue his monastic path.

The name-giving sacrament can be held at nearly any Hindu temple. Before the namakaraa saskra, the devotee informs family, relatives and close friends of his or her name change and intended entrance into Hinduism. At the sacred name-giving rite, the Hindu name is received, vows are taken and a certificate is signed, documenting the former name and the new name, place of ceremony and signature of the priest and at least three witnesses. This sacrament marks the formal entrance into a particular sect of Hinduism, through the acceptance and blessings of established members and the blessings of Gods and devas invoked through rites performed by an authorized Hindu priest.

Here's a short note from Akash after having had his Namakarana:

"The ceremony was a powerful one and the feeling of energy and peace was alike to that of the homas I attended at Kadavul. Additionally, the experience was not just for me and I think it was an important physical manifestation of my mental and spiritual change that my family and others can look to and say "wow, yea, that happened." Earlier, my mom said she was unsure if she would be able to call me "Akash," but now, after the ceremony, she seems happy to call me by my new name with only the occasional forgetful slip up."

"Space." The sky. Free, open space. Ether, the fifth and most subtle of the five elements—earth, air, fire, water and ether. Empirically, the rarified space or ethereal fluid plasma that pervades the universes, inner and outer. Esoterically, mind, the superconscious strata holding all that exists and all that potentially exists, wherein all happenings are recorded and can be read by clairvoyants. It is through psychic entry into this transcendental akasha that cosmic knowledge is gathered, and the entire circle of time—past, present and future—can be known. Space, akasha, in this concept is a positive substance, filled with unseen energies and intelligences, in contrast with the Western conception that space is the absence of everything and is therefore nothing in and of itself. The Advayataraka Upanishad (2.1.17) describes five levels of akasha which can be yogically experienced: guna rahita akasha (space devoid of qualities); parama akasha (supreme space), maha akasha (great space), tattva akasha (space of true existence) and surya akasha (space of the sun).

"Formless light," a name for Lord Murugan

15 Responses to “Namakarana for Aspirant Akash Katir”

  1. Thilaiampalam Sivayogapathy says:

    Aum Namasivaya!

    Aum! Sri Panchamuga Ganapathi Thunnai!

    Aum! Nalluran VETRI VEL Thunnai!

    Aum! Guru Parampara Thiruvaddi Thunnai.!

    Vanakkam to All!

    Aum! Sri Akash katir is receiving the Holy Blessings


    Sarvam Sivamayam!

    Best Wishes to the Young SIVATHONDAN.

    Aum Siva, Siva!

    Mikka Nanri (Thanks),

    Anpudan, (Love),




  2. Sivaya Prasad says:

    I wish Akash the best of luck in his monastic endeavours.

    Jai Ganapati.

  3. Manick Rajen says:

    A wonderful step forward Akash!

  4. GayatricRajan says:

    This was very inspiring. Congratulations and blessings to Akash,and thanks to Kulapati Easan and Rishimata Bhavani for helping to welcome him into Saiva Samayam. Anbe Sivamayam Satyame Parasivam!

  5. Savitri Palani says:

    Welcome Akash! Wonderful that your family were present for your Namakarana! Many blessings!

  6. Pethuraja says:


  7. jigisha,hansaben and champaklal patel says:

    aum namah shivaya

  8. Isani says:

    Aum Namasivaya, Akash
    Ganapati Om!

    Best wishes of many blessings as you peruse your Spiritual life ahead.

    Aum Shanti

  9. Isani says:

    Aum Namasivaya, Akash
    Ganapati Om!

    Best wishes of many blessings as you pursue your Spiritual life ahead.

    Aum Shanti

  10. deva seyon says:

    What nobility! Once in a very great while, a young man emerges from the crowd and claims His spiritual Being as primary. How rare! He sets His sights beyond the everyday routines of men and reaches for His true home among the stars. What nobility! It says as much about the parents as the son! Years ago Gurudeva asked one of our monks to give a spontaneous talk and the talk he gave was about mountain climbing. Most spiritually inclined souls want to climb to the top of the mountain of God-Realization but few actually do. It takes extraordinary dedication and maturity of Soul to set your course in this life for the ultimate merger and sit in that chair at the top. Many of us who do want to climb, find ourselves at base camps along the way. Here we try to help and support those who have the skill, the courage, and the maturity to make the final ascent. We wait and watch and when a young climber arrives at camp there is much rejoicing. Aum Namasivaya, Akash – we congratulate you on your quest! Namaskaram to your beautiful family! What nobility!

  11. Amala Seyon says:

    Dear Akash – we are so happy to see and hear about your Namakarana and especially your plans to return. Please send your flight details when they are finalized. We loved the photos of your beautiful supportive family. We hope to meet them soon. Om Namasivaya, Amala

    “KURAL 69
    When a mother hears her son heralded as a good and learned man, her joy exceeds that of his joyous birth.”

    “KURAL 70
    The son’s duty to his father is to make the world ask, “By what great austerities did he merit such a son?”

  12. Sankuthi says:

    Jai Jai Shree Maha Ganesh!
    Vanakkam and welcome Akash to the World of Hinduism and your wish to Serve Lord Siva. Congratulations to you and the whole family and wish you all the best. Just a little story….right or wrong do not know. Akash means “the sky” and my given name is Sankuthi, meaning one who blows a conch. Whenever I blow the Conch in any temple in any continent I point my conch towards Akash, thereby alerting the Gods in heaven and reciting AUM. May you spread goodness to mankind thru your chosen path! Thank you.
    Aum Nama Sivaya
    Sivaya Nama Aum

  13. Jini says:

    May God bless Akash on his new path.

  14. Sarojini Murugan says:

    Hello, I am from Canada and would like to interact with people who are already on the spiritual path. Please get in touch. Thank you

  15. Anil Ananda Badhwar says:

    Aum Sivaya

    Welcome Akash. Wonderful to see one more soul making its way towards Siva.

    Welcome Welcome Welcome 🙏🏼

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