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Sri Lanka – Yogaswami Girls' Home Progress

Thondunathan sends this report:

Jai Gurudeva!

Vanakkam Dear Bodhinatha,

With the Grace of Gurudeva all is well with me. Last October when I was in Sri Lanka I took a two day trip, accompanied by my mother, to Baticaloa. We visited the Yogaswami Girls’ Home and the Sivathondan Nilayam.


Last year HHE sent a grant to the Yogaswami Girls’ Home. The management used the money to build a wall around the property. Due to the need for security, it was a good use of the grant money. I also saw the cow that Nilufer Clubwala bought for the Home. It is providing needed milk and yogurt for the girl’s nourishment.

Last July the Canadian Sri Lankan Community had a fund raiser for the Yogaswami Girls’ Home. Dance student, Nayani Rajamohan, performed a benefit dance show which raised CA$ 6000 dollars. We are going to use this money to build a new kitchen for the home since the old kitchen is in very bad shape. I met with the building contractor and initiated the project prior to my departure.

We didn’t have time to visit the Gurukulam as it is a 3 hour drive from the Sivathondan, however, Babu and some of the boys from the Gurukulam traveled to the girls’ home to meet with me.

I am enclosing some photos taken at the girls’ home and the Sivathondan Nilayam in which you can see the new wall built with the HHE grant.

All hail to Hindu Heritage Endowment and it’s Stewards!

with Love,


2 Responses to “Sri Lanka – Yogaswami Girls' Home Progress”

  1. adi sankara says:

    AUMSIVAYA !!! Glad to here that we have Yogaswami girl’s home there ! Are these girls going to school there?

  2. vinaya alahan says:

    Aum aum aum
    Thank you for good news from Sri Lanka. And thank you to Nilifur for the cow. Jai, jai!!

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