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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Inspired by one of
Bodhinatha’s upadeshas, one of our TAKA viewers, long time supporter from Maryland, Nigel Siva Subramaniam, sent this poster as a PDF.

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T rue H elpful I N ecessary K ind

Pillaiyar Kulam Team to California

In the first week of December, Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha went to San Francisco and Long Beach, California. They met with business associates to further develop Hindu Heritage Endowment. A primary goal was to consult with our planned giving consultant, Phil Murphy (pictured with his wife Anne and Shanmuganathaswami). He is helping the monks develop a planned-giving program that will guide donors in planning their wills, bequests, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, gift annuities and pooled income funds. Each of these ways of planned giving has specific tax and other benefits to the donor, while ultimately benefiting Hindu Heritage Endowment. In established charities, over 80% of donations come from planned, end-of-life gifts.

The two monks also met with Niraj Baxi, an insurance expert, estate planner and long time advertiser in Hinduism Today. They talked about the potential of HHE and how to share with people the benefits of HHE. In Long Beach, the monks visited Halbert Hargrove (, the firm that expertly invests over $10 million of Hindu Heritage Endowment funds. They carefully choose diverse investment managers and styles to keep HHE’s money growing, even in difficult markets. The monks talked with the president of the company, Russ Hill, and HHE’s account representative, Stan Lee (right), reviewing their stellar performance and discussing the changing economy and its affects on the endowment.

Here is Shanmuganathaswami in front of the ferry building after just getting off of the ferry.

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