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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Siva and Indranee Sivagnanaguru, originally from Sri Lanka, and now living in St.Paul, Minnesota, are here on pilgrimage. They have been long-time supporters of Iraivan Temple and also subscribers to the Hinduism Today magazine.

It’s Sadhu Paksha. The monks early morning routine in the temple suspended. Instead they rise and wander with nature in the early morning hours.

There are no public tours, but we have a few pilgrims who are here having made arrangement months in advance.

Sadhaka Dandapani’s mother and father helping with karma yoga, preparing vibhuthi packets.

At the Ganapati Kulam…

James and Louise Davis with their daughter Amanda during a special tour of the Iraivan Temple. Amanda has joined the Peace Corp and will be traveling and serving that agency in Thailand and Cambodia in January 08′ for 27 months.

A late afternoon photo of James and Louise Davis and their two children, Amanda and Max, with Paramacharya Ceyonswami outside the Kadavul Temple.

They visited the Aadheenam for the first time one year ago and purchased Gurudeva’s trilogy. The daily lessons had a positive life-changing affect upon the entire family and they all became vegetarians. They have returned here on pilgrimage and are deeply interested in the Saivite Hindu religion.

Visitors today included a Martial Arts monk, Kaung Nam Ching, from the Shaolin Temple in Chaing Mai Province, Thailand, with one of his disciples, Eric Bentencourt and a martial arts student from Kauai, David Michaels.

Rishi Thondunathan (center) with the Jothiswarar family from Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia; Selvanatha Jothiswarar, Kanesh, Theivigan, Kodiswara, Siva Jothiswary and Sellamah Jothiswarar.

In the background is the Wailua river and waterfall and, in the distance, the very beautiful Iraivan Temple.

Rishi Thondunathan has returned on pilgrimage to the Aadheenam. He is well known in the Tamil community and is teaching Gurudeva’s courses in Saivism at various locations around North America. He poses for a photo outside the temple with local devotees, Durvasa and Isani Alahan.

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