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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha usually has darshan with pilgrims the day of or the day before their departure. Here is Kulapati Balu Devado, Kulamata Parimala Balu and son Hiranyavaha “Hiranya” Balu and Hiranya served with the Siddhidata Kulam during their stay. It was a joy to have our Malaysian devotees with us. Come again soon!

Thilagarani and Parimala Selvaraj sister pilgrimaged from Sungai Petani, Malaysia, to be here for Skanda Shasthi. It is their first visit to Kauai Aadheenam, a long time coming since they have been studying our late Gurudeva’s teaching for over 17 years.

Kulamata Kavita Mardemootoo popped in from Mauritius for a short visit, on her way to visit relatives in California

Subbarao, Swarnalatha, and Amarnath Ravva from San Francisco, originally from Andra Pradesh, India. On the left is Subbarao’s mother, Ramadevi, who is visiting from Hydrabad, India. “It is unbelievable that such a beautiful handcarved stone temple is being constructed here on Kauai” commented Swarnalatha. “We definitely want to return for the Mahakumbha Abhishekam.”

Another very happy couple, Amir and Ami Chima, on their first visit to the Iraivan temple. They are both financial consultants from the Bay Area and are originally from Gujarat and Punjab. Friends who had previously visited the Aadheenam strongly recommended that they pilgrimage here. They both agreed they feel “so blessed to be here.”

Visitors today included three devout Tamil families here on pilgrimage.

R/L. Sivashanmugan Chandrasekar from Milpitas, CA; Venkataraman Geetha and wife from Phoenix, AZ; and Karthikeyan B. from Mylapore, Chennai. All enjoyed the puja and powerful darshan of the Kadavul Temple. They then toured the Iraivan Temple, chatted with the silpis, and marveled at the beautiful Chola architecture and wonderments of the Iraivan Temple.

Chellappadeva and Jnanideva on the Job in Arizona

Here is some photos from Discover India 2007

Jnanideva Cevvel came to visit and helped us run the

One picture is with Jnani and I with the Ambassador of Mauritius to the US.

These event promotions are an important way to bring Gurudeva’s teachings to the world.

Chellappadeva and Banudevi have developed a lovely display…

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