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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Ansu Singh from Wellington, New Zealand, met Bodhinatha the first time in Auckland last year during Bodhinatha’s Innersearch trip. It has been her dream to visit here. Today she meets Bodhinatha who presents her a gift of “What Is Hinduism?”

Bodhinatha also blesses her Sivalingam and Ganesha which she carries around with her everywhere.

GK Kulam News — Gurudeva Archives Unveiled!

It is the last day of a short phase and the Ganapati Kulam gave their news. Palaniswami and Arumugaswami are preparing for their trip to the Human Empowerment Conference in Dallas next week, by making Keynote presentations. The editing team has been working for several months now on the chapters of Gurudeva’s life which appear at the end of the biography of all the Satgurus of our lineage. Much research has been undertaken and amazing little discoveries are being made almost daily. One marvelous initiative is getting out all of Gurudeva’s old letters from the archives. Below is a picture of Gurudeva right after his return from Sri Lanka, where he had, on his first trip, stayed as it turns out, nearly three years. We did not realize it was that long and it only became clear upon a close examination of his 1947 passport which we still have from those days.

His letters to friends and associates back home from those times are full of joyful love, dynamic optimism, grand vision for making contributions for a better future world and a fiery committment to the practice of Raja Yoga. And a bit of fun poetry. There are many precious jewels among them. Yesterday one such surfaced. It is a letter-poem that Gurudeva typed during his time at Jalani Caves in southern Sri Lanka, the place of his illumination. He is 22 years old at this moment and writing back to friends in America, and sharing some insights and thoughts, all in a most free-flowing and playful way. We know you will all find it fascinating to read and have this rare glimpse of Gurudeva as a young man on the spiritual path.

“To give is to live.
So he gives of Himself, a World to Create,
an Order to Bring forth, that will Banish all Hate.”

Jan. 9, 1949

Off in the Jungle so dear to my heart.
I Darn’t rest for a Moment, since we’ve given the start,
To New Age Movements held long
By one who is strong.
He had others to help
All turned Tail with a Yelp.

I must develope more Will, and give these Movements a Push
Sitting so still, Eyes turned in and up.
I command forth Will enough, to fill, and make the Universe
Quake and Shake, then Remain very still.

Alone on a hill developing will, So as to fill and thrill
Leaders to be in Lands O’er sea.
With Power so Great, Love so Grand.
That they’ll spread these Movements throughout their Land.

Their Founder is strong. The Complete Master of Life.
He knows how to Live. To give is to live.
So he gives of Himself, a World to Create, an Order to
Bring forth, that will Banish all Hate.


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