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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We begin a new phase. Bodhinatha gives his morning upadesha as usual. He spoke on Gurudeva’s Shum-Tyaef language and how Nirvakalpa Samadhi is explained in it.

Meanwhile out at the temple site two potagai’s were put up today on top of the Yalli pillars at Iraivan’s entry way. Watch a short time-lapse of the event which took several hours.


If you have difficulty seeing the video in the frame on this page click this link to open the movie in a new window.

Yogi Jivananda performs the puja today.

Monks all sit on the right side of the temple in front of Lord Muruga, listening to Bodhinatha. Sadhaka Satyanatha has the recording duties.

Dr. Sabharathnam Sivachariya, Chennai, India, is here at the Aadheenam for one month. He has been inspired by Gurudeva’s writings for many years and we have commissioned him for translations of various works and to assist in our acqusition of Agamic texts.

He is translating several texts while here, especially the Saiva Sannyasa Paddhati, which is a 4th century manual of Saivite monasticism. It is a rare and wonderful work based on the Agamas and completely in line with Gurudeva’s view of sannyas.

Gaurav and Ripla Malhotra from Chicago. This is their 2nd visit. The family first heard about us three years ago as they were flying to Kauai and saw an article in the in-flight magazine.

Visit to Iraivan…

Anna Purna gardens…

They had wonderful darshan with Bodhinatha, asking various philosophical and practical questions.

They had a lot of books to be signed!

And a very practical gift for the monks: blankets for use during the cool weather…

It was tour day today. Our new reservation system seems to be working and both the 9 am and 11 am tours had a “reasonable” group of about 50 guests in each group.

The vision of His Holinesss Gurudeva Sivaya Subramuniyaswami for Saiva Siddhanta Church of Mauritius is manifesting wonderfully day after day at the Spiritual Park. What used to be a barely known place has today become a center of spiritual inspiration for many all over the island. Ganesha Chaturthi is the biggest crowd-pulling ceremony of the island and loving worshippers of this Lord of Obstacles would not miss this event at the Park …

Several weeks before, preparations are underway to make this ceremony a success. All shishyas, MC students and volunteers have pulled together to help in the many areas of activities. A large crew under the supervision of Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati Himself is selflessly dedicated to serve for this ceremony.

On the eve a team is giving the final touches to the preparations. Kulapati Manon is washing the lava rock paths leading to the Mandapam.

Inside the Mini Mela, Selna Rungapen is getting a stock of books ready for sale in the outside Himalayan Academy booth…

Meanwhile, her sister Selvi is keeping tract of every detail. Both are dedicated selfless Master Course (MC) students about to complete their Level One Master Course with Satguru Bodhinatha.

Here is MC Kevin in his karma yoga uniform, ever attending to duties assigned to him…

Mrs. Maghadevi Canagasaby and the energetic Rungapen sisters are taking good care of the Mini Mela in the absence of Vani.

In another part of our Dharmasala lobby, converted into a teaching hall, our youth are having their usual Saivite Hindu Religion class. They are learning from Bodhinatha the concept of the soul body, which is eternal and never dies.

The youth taking down notes on the screen projector….

Had a very nice discussion and keynote presentation on the subject. They were also shown a power point presention on the side effects of smoking. Important lessons to learn early in life.

The third session was on the making of small Ganesha out of clay…

The youth are taught how to mix the clay and water into a sticky paste.

They really enjoyed this …. real fun. Each youth was given a bag of clay to bring home. They will be making their own small Ganesha with all their family involved in this activity…

Selna helping in this class….

A group of Mster Course students making toranums out of coconut leaves for decorations.

Kumaren Moorooven is taking care of the PA system. He is adjusting his equipment. Powerful speakers have been installed in strategic spots.

Vivek helping to decorate the Ganesha Mandapam.

Kulamata Premila Manick and Anandi, sorting out the pairs of tombais …..

This brass Ganesha murthi is being dressed for the parade by one volunteer from the Chebel Temple…

More photos of the Chaturthi event coming soon from Gurudeva’s devotees in Mauritius, for all to enjoy on TAKA …. Kindly stay tuned.

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