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Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha is working daily on his course material for the next Innersearch which is departing next January. Today at lunch Sadhaka Dandapani shared details of what will be a fantastic voyage to Cambodia, Malaysia and India.

Meanwhile at home it was tour day. Our new system is in place which requires advance registration by phoning ahead to booking a spot on the tour. It is free, but a cap is set on the number of vehicles that can come.

Still, we had about 50 people at the 9 am tour and 80 at the 11 am tour…

A day of showers. In fact, our tour was completely drenched in a down pour today. This is quite rare as usually the rain comes before and after the tour.

It just so happened that two late visitors came and were lighting up cigarettes and moments later the shower came down! No Smoking Allowed

Selvanathan Sthapati is visiting here from India.

Tomorrow a Jalakam will be installed. He checks on the position of the base.

As he did on his last visit, he marks some plain areas of some temple section with beautiful designs.

This will become….

This… to be carved by our silpis….

The steps that lead into the main sanctum

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