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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Nellaiappan and his wife Maragatham met with Bodhinatha today. They left the Aadheenam on enroute back to India. Thank you both for everything you for us in India!

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming three-day retreat,
until Dvitya Tithi, Sun One, Monday, July 2nd.

Two families, who are lifelong friends, arrived today from S. California and from Pennsylvania. Steven Hopkins (3rd from left) is an Assoc. Professor of Religion (comparative studies) at Swathmore College in Pennsylvania. He is a research scholar with his work taking him to Chennai, Varadaraja Permal in Kanchi, and Rangamatha Swami Temple in Satrangam as well as Devanaya Swami Temple in Tiruvahindrapuram. He is also a student and friend of Raimundo Panikkar, famed author of “The Vedic Experience.”

As we left the Iraivan Temple, Yoginathaswami was just entering. As Siddhidata Kulam Talaivar, among many other responsibilities, Yoginathaswami guides the silpis in their work of creating the Iraivan Temple.

Along the way we discovered this beautiful hybrid hybiscus, pale lavender, white and pink in colour!

One never knows what treasure awaits around the next corner in the Aadheenam gardens.

Adrienne, Evan and Steven Hopkins from PA, with a friend from NY, Rob Popp. As well as the Wallace family from S. California. Kevin, Molla, Brendan and Morgan in the grove of Rainbow Eucalyptus trees below the Iraivan Temple. . .

. . . and down at the beautiful and very sacred Wailua River.

As they departed, Steven Hopkins and Kevin Wallace stated that they were “stunned” at the wonderful sacred art work and absolute beauty of the Iraivan Temple. Kevin, who is also interested in Botany, wants to return to explore the gardens more thoroughly.

He was eager to learn more from Bodhinatha during their meeting about how Iraivan temple is being built.

He is also keen on getting some of our publications into his local temple.

Kailash Bafna and wife were among our pilgrims today. He is one of the founders and trustees of the temple in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

A walk photo tour today, testing out a new lens…

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

The Ganesha Mandapam on quiet days… We bring you a few photos of religious educational activities at the Spiritual Park of Mauritius.

And below a belated slideshow from Paramacharya Palaniswami who sends us photos of the last day in Mauritius


Our Saturday youth are there for there for their Saivite Hindu Religion Book V classes. There have just seen some local koi fish shyly emerging from the pond.

The lesson 9 of the day has been on Appreciation and Gratitude. The two concepts have been explained and discussed earlier with a nice keynote presentation.
“When we abide in soul consciousness, we give thanks for whatever we have, no matter how little or how much. Gratitude is being thankful for life’s little treasures, grateful for the opportunity to begin the day where we are, understanding the perfect place our karma and God’s grace have brought us to.”

Here the group is learning to meditate at the Feet of Lord Ganapati.

Some warming up and body control exercises before the hatha yoga session…

Bodhinatha explains:”Shishyas should be grateful to their gurus, husbands to their wives, wives to their husbands, parents to their children, children to their parents, students to their teachers and teachers to their students. It’s far more effective to praise others and appreciate what we have than to find fault and complain about what we don’t have!”

Real fun for youth trying to stand on one foot without moving the body…

The Bodhinatha’s MC monthly Gathering was held this Sunday at the Spiritual Park. The Mandapam provided enough space the hatha yoga session with the adult students.

Satguru Bodhinatha’s Talk of the day was on: Planning: the Key to Success.

Following vastu principles of design can certainly make businesses more successful and homes more harmonious. However, the problematic trend is to emphasize it above all else�thinking that the sole cause of obstacles and lack of success is the flawed layout of one�s home or office. For example, the sales of a business drop precipitously, and a vastu expert is consulted. He asserts that the cause is the poor layout of the space and advises: �Rebuild the structure according to my vastu design and your problems will quickly disappear!�

“Common sense tells us that there are many causes for not being successful. In my experience, the most common one is lack of proper planning. In the words of French author and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

My guru designated a five-fold division that encompasses all aspects of life�spiritual, social, cultural, economic and educational�to which we have added a sixth: physiological.

Our first step is to list our goals or objectives in each of the six areas. Ask six questions and write down the answers to each. What are the family�s (or individual�s): 1) spiritual goals? 2) social goals? 3) cultural goals? 4) economic goals? 5) educational goals? 6) physical and health goals?”

Despite the cold wind blowing inside the Mandapam that Sunday, many of the MC students doing Hatha Yoga for the first time in their lives, have enjoyed the session and have already started to master a few asanas ….

“When challenges arise, it is important to act swiftly, tactically and responsibly to find the cause and apply the proper remedy. Don�t listen to those who would solve your problems, and build their own business, by rebuilding or rearranging your house or offices. It�s not, in my experience, an effective solution. Work instead on your plan. Who knows, you may become so successful that, as your plan manifests your aspirations, five years from now you can put up a new building designed according to the venerable wisdom of vastu!”

Teaching session inside with some keynotes presentations …

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