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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Dr. Premchand Gada from Lubbock, Texas and his extended family visited us this morning. About 15 of them attended the 9am Siva puja then toured Iraivan Temple.

They also had a wonderful meeting with Bodhinatha asking him some very insightful questions including “What does it feel like to experience God?”.

Brahmacharini Shama also hosted them, she writes:

Premchand Gada, M.D. is a Family Practitioner in Lubbock, Texas (far right). He arrived today with a large group of relatives and immediate family members (not all shown here). All were present for a wonderful morning Puja in the Kadavul Hindu Temple. They were subsequently taken on a tour of the Iraivan Temple and gardens and finally returned for a special audience with our beloved Sat Siva Guru, Bodhinatha Veylanswami.

Saravananathaswami gave the Ekadanta Kulam report today. He has been working with a number of different individuals to help them along their path from student to Arul Sishya and also preparing for Bodhinatha’s next travel program.

Sadhaka Dandapani reports from his world that there are more and more signing up for Innersearch and if the rate keeps up we will be “sold out” of seats before too long.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

With the coming of winter the Park looks quieter and cooler these days. A few visitors keep coming during the day to worship at the Feet of Lord Ganapati!

Rich foliage abounds every beautiful spot of the Park

Today it is quite cold at the Park and many of our youth had a cold and could not turn up. The class is on Lesson 7: The Yamas of the SHR Book V. They are about to learn….

“The yamas are described as the “Restraints.” They focus on virtuous and moral living, which brings purity of mind, freedom from anger, jealousy and subconscious confusion which would inhibit the process of meditation.”

Our catalysts have prepared a new keynote presentation on the the Yamas ….. The youth are about to have an animated class with hi tech audio-visual supports….

Too much sunlight coming in and the image on the screen is not visible… We pulled down the shutters and everyone is happy..

The Yama on Patience is explained by Satguru Bodhinatha:

“Exercise patience, restraining intolerance with people and impatience with circumstances. This yama harnesses the tendency to loose emotional control and react with unkind words or actions when facing delays, difficulties and qualities in people that we did not anticipate.”

It is an animated presentation with background music and even Sri Rudram … Later they were shown a short video on Iraivan Temple and Paramacharya Palaniswami’s visits to Mauritius.

Time for a break in the filao shades

Another group under the breadfruit tree…..

Well ….guess what is this fruit? No….. not a pear…. but the famed Citrus maxima known also as pamplemousse im french and pomello in English, the great-great-great grandmother of the grapefruit, at the Spiritual Park!

Thirunavukkarasu Gurukulam in Sri Lanka

Some of you may remember the vast destruction of the Tsunami in Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The process of rebuilding goes on. We have just a few pictures of the great progress of the Thirunavukkarasu Nayanar Gurukulam
an Orphanage in Batticaloa, east Sri Lanka. Click here for more info and see how things looked before.

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