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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We begin a bright new phase after a powerful 3-day full moon retreat. Here is Bodhinatha giving a talk this morning on the clear white light, coming to you soon.

Our Vaikashi Vishakham full moon brought a new swami to join the Saiva Siddhanta Yoga Order. Kashi Senthilnathaswami has arrived as our newest sannyasin. It is a victory for Lord Muruga! Details are in the slideshow below.


The albezias are in bloom with canopies of white blossoms reaching the skies…

Yogi Jivananandanatha performs the Sun One Homa today.


Bodhinatha references Merging with Siva to give his upadesha today on the clear white light.

And he shares some things from the study booklet from his recent California study retreat.

Today’s Guests

Kandiaha is here visiting from the University of Malaysia and shows his amazement at this hand-carved blue black granite chain which hangs between Bhadra pillars of the Iraivan Temple.

Kandiaha was invited to a real South Indian Tamil lunch served on palm leaves by the Iraivan Temple Silpis (stone carvers). “This is the first really decent South Indian meal I’ve had outside India” he said.

Anup, Bijayani and Annopoma Bhowmik visiting the Aadheenam for the first time from Southern California, pose for a photo at the beginning of the San Marga path near the Rudraksha Forest.

Shelah Young and her daughter Fiona above the Wailua River. Shelah has been studying Gurudeva’s Master Course as well as Gurudeva’s Trilogy. She also participated in the Innersearch trip to Australia with Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and many other devotees, and has spent several days this time at the Aadheenam. “What a truly wonderful place this. I love it here” she said.

Rekha Shah and Jaishree are here from Southern California and plan to make this temple their pilgrimage site once a year.

A very happy newly wed couple came to the temple today for a special blessing as they begin their life together. Nilay and Reena Amin pose in front of a large painting of Gurudeva. They are both from New Jersey.

Day Three of Bodhinatha’s California Study Program

More photos from the California retreat with Bodhinatha at the Ralston White manor house, in Mill Valley. Inspired by the cool air and the peaceful surroundings, the monks go for a short hike before sunset, which here happens at around 7:30 this time of year.

The light, coming through the trees, makes it even more special.

The vegetation here is very different from familiar, tropical Hawaii.

At the top of a hill, a view of the bay area.

And to our backs is Mount Tamalpais, where Gurudeva first trained his devotees in kamsatyemni, mountaintop consciousness.

Then, blessing us there, a beautiful hawk flew by. So beautiful, so elegant. He would barely move his wings, only make small corrections to take him to the track again. It is a good analogy for deep meditation. We asked him to come closer for a photo, but even we were surprised when he did.

Flying by us at high speed.

The view was amazing. There was a hum sound up there, and we were not sure where it came from. One theory was that it could be the sea wind, tunneling through the hills.

Impressive flowers decorated our trail.

Evergreens everywhere. Bodhinatha took a long, strong, vigorous one hour walk here.

Sunset at Ralston White.

Some of the students wrote some notes for TAKA sharing their experience:

“Touching the feet of the Guru, learning our first Shum words, the blessed company of 40 innerseachers; it all makes this weekend a enlightening joy!”– Alejandro and Rosa Jaramillo, who came all the way from Mexico.

“As awareness I had many insights on this wonderful retreat learning from Bodhinatha.”
— Iraja Sivadas

Bodhinatha taught us the shum words simrehvi and shumsimika. They explain two different states of the flow of prana between people. Just the knowledge of these states allows us to begin to identify them more clearly in daily life, and act accordingly.

To be with a Satguru in such informal and relaxed moments is a rare privilege.

Jai Bodhinatha!

Then, an important moment for Ashish Chitnis, who lives in Michigan. Ashish became an arulshishya after preparing for four years. As a formal devotee, he is now under the direct guidance of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami.

Kulapati Deva Rajan brings the signed vow books to Bodhinatha. Formal members of Saiva Siddhanta Church take vows of ahimsa (noninjury), vegetarianism, tithing and loyalty to the spiritual lineage.

Ashish, a deeply spiritual, very intelligent and humble person, is a great addition to our Church. Everyone is happy. Ashish certainly deserves it! Aum Namah Sivaya.

Bodhinatha signs his book.

Now connected to the Kailasa Parampara, Ashish enjoys the spiritual vibration that will guide him onto the unfoldment of his own inner divinity.

And then everyone enjoyed one more of the delectable meals we were served. The staff of the Ralston White retreat would later come forward for a round of applause and appreciation of the healthy, tasty food they provided.

What a wonderful retreat.

Flowers of the Aadheenam

It’s spring time, and tropical flowers are coming out everywhere. Here is a most unusual flower from China along the Pali path.

Hawaiian honeycomb flowers along San Marga.

A very beautiful Torch Ginger bud opening into full bloom.

The heliconia is also now in full bloom along both sides of the San Marga path.

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