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Himalayan Academy Study Program in California

Bodhinatha, Saravananathaswami and Sadhaka Satyanatha arrived home early this afternoon.

More photos today from Shum retreat at Ralston White manor house in California, a intense dive into Gurudeva’s language of meditation.

Participants arriving for the program: “Prostration issues forth definite energies when done before the guru or the temple Deity. The ego is naturally subdued, humility strengthened, and the soul of guru and disciple enjoy deep rapport in that moment.” — Gurudeva

We also bring you the last slide show from Paramacharya Palaniswami. Light hearted transit news from Shanghai and then a visit with the Harilela family in Hong Kong.


Congratulations to the Church members who so carefully prepared in advance for the program. One of these was on each pillow, hiding a chocolate – a treat for the body, an aphorism for the mind, and a whole weekend dedicated to the Soul. The card reads:

“You become everything when you merge in Siva. But you are no longer you.”

— Gurudeva

Lord Ganesha, smiling and beautifully decorated, was welcoming all at the door. He guided as all here. He always has guided us; even before we new His name, Lord Ganesha was preparing our path.

A giant heart at the front of the house – it was built as a wedding gift in 1915. It brought to mind Gurudeva teaching us the powerful mantra “I love you, you love me.” As with almost all mantras, it works better when said mentally.

In these beautiful, silent surroundings, with high-minded souls grouped together around a Satguru striving to realize more of their own divinity, the mantra “I love you, you love me” echoes silently in every kind act.

Among the majestic redwoods, a little sapling. Made of the same essence of the giants around it, this small being is neither better nor worse than any other tree, it just is at a different stage. It is, already, right now, a redwood. As we all walk our path to Siva, we also are God, right now.

A few photos of the inside of the house. Comfortable bedrooms awaited everyone.

From the windows, the peace and silence of a Redwood forest, urging us to find the silence inside ourselves.

The preparations were done with lots of love. Flowers inspire us with their colors, that we will later visualize in the Shum meditations.

The meals, delightful and healthy, will remind many of the joys of Innersearch evenings.

Flowers in hand, devotees wait for Bodhinatha.

Bodhinatha gives each of the students attending a booklet on Shum.

As the classes start in our cozy, inspiring room, everyone listens attentively.

Students of our mini-Innersearch delighted with focusing awareness on the study of… awareness.

When we, as Awareness, focus on the movements and the dance of awareness itself, we become less and less externalized.

Questions about Shum.

A Satguru teaching everyone, in beautiful surroundings, taking us to the utmost achievement, the Divinity of ourselves. How fortunate we all are.

Joy and laughs all around, as Gurudeva taught us. Serious as anything, but far from somber.

Bodhinatha is very sharp. “No matter what one says about the Self, it is not the whole of it. It cannot be described. Shum, however, gets around this… by not having a word for it!” And then laughs all around! The intellectual mind was surprised to know that the most important goal actually has no name – the mind is all about concepts, names and forms.

The instruction booklet to guide us through meditation in Shum. It could be called “Mind – Advanced User’s guide.”

It is a mystical, powerful experience to just look at these words.

Saravananathaswami gave the students a good exercise to practice concentration, one of the steps to meditation. Keep track of your thoughts and keep them focused and see how many thoughts you can think about the same thing before being distracted.

Bee, honey, insect, wings, honeycomb, what is for dinner? –oops.

Bee, honey, yellow stripes, black stripes, flight, my leg hurts –oops.

Bee, flower, honey, queen bee…

The marvelous descriptions Gurudeva gave us.

This is a key concept – kaif.

Later on, we had dinner, great conversations and the convergence of great souls with common interest.

Mexican night, to our surprise. It might have been the subtle influence of Alejandro and Rosa Jaramillo, two very intelligent, kind and eager students.

More Sun One on TAKA!

Aum namah Sivaya.

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Tour day today… guest fascinated with ornamental carving on the wall of Iraivan’s sanctum.

In case you felt left out by not being present at the California retreat.. there is only one cure for that. Join Bodhinatha on the next Innersearch!

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