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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We begin a new phase today with a powerful homa followed by a precious, helpful, pointed upadesha by Bodhinatha.

Bodhinatha has been speaking extemporaneously during his talks lately, using Merging with Siva as a jumping-off point. Last week’s talk is posted today and today’s talk will come in a few days.



Meanwhile, back on Kauai…

The homa has been carefully prepared for on the retreat. Nataraja’s golden throne glistens in the background.

Bodhinatha observes as the preparatory rites to Vinayaka are done.

Saravananathaswami intently visualizes bright colors of light filling the achamanam cup he will use to bless the surroundings, puja implements and to offer to the Gods.

The flame is high, and grains are offered.

Yogi Japendranatha rings the bell to alert the devas that prayers are coming through now.

Bodhinatha offers the prayers steadily, one at a time, with his blessing and intention that each be fulfilled according to the karmas of its author, just as the devas told us they would do.

And so it has happened every Sun 1 for years and years at the Aadheenam.

Bodhinatha gave a wonderful talk after the homa drawing on Gurudeva’s description of awareness in Merging with Siva. He tells us that awareness is like a little ball of light and has the ability to travel to any area of the mind it chooses.

Bodhinatha remarked how ridiculous an idea it seems to let the events of the day determine our state of mind and emphasized the importance of choosing our state of mind by moving our awareness with our will.

Watch the sidebar at right for Bodhinatha’s talk, which should be ready in a few days.

Merging with Siva is a priceless gift from Gurudeva, filled with lifetimes of mystical knowledge. Certainly it’s more than a lifetime’s study for us!

It was tour day today at the Aadheenam. We had a good crowd both at the 9 am and 11 am tours.

Showers on the statue of Tiruvalluvar

One of our tour groups at Iraivan Temple

Paramacharya Palaniswami Visits with Sishya in Mauritius

During his visit to Mauritius Paramacharya Palaniswami was invited to satsangas in sishyas homes. Today all the members living in the north from Mardemootoo and Manick kutumba met swami at Cap Malheureux at the Mardemootoo’s residence.


A Movie of Events in Mauritius

If you have difficulty seeing the video in the frame on this page click this link to open the movie in a new window.

Paramacharya Palaniswami is traditionally greeted ….

Paramacharya Palaniswami is shown into the home shrine where an arati is performed

Then everyone sat in the parlor with swami …..

Ariadasy led the bajans…

Paramacharya Palaniswami talked that evening about the need for the sishyas to make of their personal spiritual progress their main priority. Swami also narrated a few stories about Gurudeva in Nepal and talked about Hinduism today going digital …..
After the talk we sang a few Natchintanai and Paramacharya Palaniswami then met each family privately in the home shrine…

On one of the wooden chest of drawers is a beautiful Siva Nataraj and a rare photo of Gurudeva ….

The Canagasaby family of Rempart….

The Naden Caremben family

Giradevi and Basanti….

Selvaraj, Brahmachari Vel and Tirthadeva ….

Malini Peruman serving some food….

Dayananda and Sivarathna

Kumaren Moorooven family …..

Somandiren Peruman family…

Kulamata Kavita and her daughter Deepa

Brahmacharini Indranee and Kulapati Manon

Deepa and Jambalini…

Back to India Soon

Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivananandanatha will be traveling back to New Delhi shortly and they sent an advance preview of the toasty weather awaiting them. Look at all the ways this weather report has found to describe the fierce heat and sun assaulting India at this time.

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