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What Happened Today at the Monastery?



Paramacharya Palaniswami, Editor of HINDUISM TODAY and Yogi Jivanandanatha are on a 10 day visit to Mauritius. Among other activities Paramacharya and Yogi would to be meeting the membership, conduct seminars, give public talks and work with the stewards of the Spiritual Park in view of preparing a Master plan for future developments at the Park.

Paramacharya Palaniswami is traditionally welcomed at the Ganesha Mandapam. This is Paramacharya Palaniswami’s first visit to this place.

Paramacharya Palaniswami visited Maurtius some 25 ago, staying for almost a month at the Kylasum temple in Port Louis…. there has been much change since then in the island.

Time to worship Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati….

Then Sivadakshina in the small Konrai forest. ……

A walk down the property with the kulapaties…..

Kulapati Manon explaining about the area around the Muruga Mandapam…..

Lord Muruga looks amazingly huge. Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi contemplates the deity….

A short visit at the devasthanum to see the state of that building…..

A beautiful photo of Gurudeva welcomed us inside.

Down at a quiet spot of the property, on a rocky wharf where sishyas used to have Homa in the past….

The old planks on around the main monastery building will be removed.

After the walk with the kulapaties, we all met at the Ganesha Mandapam for a COM meeting. During the meeting with the kulapaties Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi noted all suggestions made by the stewards of the Park to further improve and upgrade existing facilities at the Park. The main project will be the construction of a stone wall along one side of the Park.

Every detail on the plan of the Spiritual Park is being taken into account.

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