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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Here is Bodhinatha in Malaysia on the last Innersearch. You can join him there again in the coming 2008 Innersearch

Audio Notice Bodhinatha’s talk on Sun One has been posted… Don’t miss it!

At home it is a very quiet day as the visitor traffic seems to have finally abated somewhat after spring break is over and families are back to work and kids are back to school.

The Pillaiyar Kulam gave their news today. Shanmuganathaswami continues to work with different Hindu Heritage Endowments and the new India distribution web site.

Muruganathaswami notes rising sales of
What is Hinduism
. He is also continuing in the process of sending out copies for review. He also shared with us some big news about a major change in US postal rates classifications and rates for both international and national mail. It is causing quite a ripple in through the publications industry as everyone is scrambling to update their web sites, postage meters, shipping cost projects etc.

Some photos from yesterday afternoon. Bodhinatha and Adinatha departing for Flint, Michigan.

It was a long night flight and today, Friday, they had the morning off to rest and then meetings the rest of the day.

Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivananandanatha have been through a world wind of activities with a flight from Delhi to Bangalore, packed with activities in Bangalore and then on to Chennai. Palaniswami managed to send us a slide show amidst his busy schedule.


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