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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Here is Bodhinatha giving out his teachings using Apple’s Keynote program. It’s similar to Power Point. And note on the right side bar that the talk he gave on sun 1 of this phase has been posted. (Sorry for the sound quality… some small technical glitches in the audio recording system, which we are solving….)

Meanwhile at the Aadheenam it was a spectacularly beautiful spring day.

Below we have a short set of slides from Paramacharya Palaniswami in New Delhi.


Kulapati Vel and Kulamata Valli Alahan, long-time devotees of Gurudeva and Bodhinatha, are visiting from the Mainland. They were about to enter the Kadavul Siva Temple for the Ardra Abhishekam when this photo was taken in front of the exquisite wood-carving of Kartikeya that adorns the outer wall of the temple. It was commissioned for Kadavul from a craft company in India and installed by Adi Alahan during his last visit, along with the Ganesha in the next photo.

Vijaya and Ram Gunturi from Dallas attended the Sun One homa and today the Ardra abhishekam before returning home. Ram is with Texas Instruments Corp.

“Its so very spiritual and beautiful here; we will be back.” Vijaya said wistfully.

Bala Srinivasan arrived with his family Tara and Annapurna from San Jose, CA. They remained at the Kadavul Temple while he went out for a tour of the Iraivan Temple. “Oh, what a wonderful experience this is! What an unbelievably beautiful temple!” remarked Bala.

This morning Hindu families and visitors were escorted to Iraivan Temple for a tour.

(far left) Raghu Garikapaty and Brindavani Garikapaty from Glendale, AZ. Brindavani is an accomplished Bharathanatyam dancer and Carnatic music teacher. “We are moved by the peace and tranquility here. This is definitely a heaven on earth” she said.

(center/right) Parthasarathy and Hema Rajagopalan from Oakbrook, IL, are longtime subscribers to Hinduism Today. They said they thoroughly enjoyed visiting both temples today and “wish we had come sooner.”

(Center/left) Dr. Mailvaganam Mahendran and wife Mallika, originally from Jaffna, Sri Lanka, where Mailvaganam remembers St. Yogaswami and knew Johar Swami very well. They now reside in Ontario, Canada.
Next to them are Michelle and Turpin Mott from Kirkland WA. They are here on vacation and are soon to be the happy adoptive parents of a baby girl!

What a glorious spring day!

Today, Sun Four, the Siddhidata Kulam gave their news. They also provided the following series of photos.

One of their tasks recently was preparing and installing this new copper Aum in the base of the Nepalese Ganesha shrine today.

The vanilla bean is vine flowering for the first time.

A small bud is about to open.

Anna Purna Gardens is the source of much of the monastery’s food. The Siddhidata Kulam puts a lot of time working here.

Ganesha overseeing the nursery and garden

Pole beans in foreground and sweet potatoes behind .

The tall shrub in the background is a perennial edible green called Pakwan

A new pumpkin plant just coming up.

Cabbages with Marigold flowers.

Close up

Cabbage with parsley

Basil companied by onions and okra (yes…lady’s finger)

Red leaf Amaranth

Pak Choi, an Oriental vegetable.

Happily packed in a bed.


Yellow Canna lily

All the monks give the Siddhidata Kulam a big MAHALO and MIKKA NANDRI for working so hard to feed and take care of us.

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