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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Lynda and Joel McClanahan went on the last innersearch to India with us. Today they have darshan with Bodhinatha before returning home.

They are very active in pursuing their spiritual lives. Lynda is currently teaching Yoga Philosophy at a yoga center that is offering certification. She had a lot to say about how western “yogis” react to learning that Yoga has anything to do with God. But, it is a required part of their course. She will be doing a piece for Hinduism Today on this subject.

Joel has for decades served in the social services sector of the goverment, working with the Medicaid program. He’s semi-retired but continues in the work of serving people. Most recently he’s been helping with refugee settlement in Ohio. For example, many people from war torn Somalia are arriving on our shores. He helps with the programs to get oriented. It is quiet a challenge, as many do not even know what a door knob is.

Sadhaka Dandapani our new pligrim host, took them for a tour this morning.

They were very interested in our vegetable gardens. Here they are at Anna Purna gardens with Sadhaka Adinatha.

Cabbage on the way

Bok Choy behind screens to protect from chickens

If you ever wondered why they called those long purple things “Egg Plant” well here’s the original variety. It does very well here. The chicks just pop out from the bottom, then you know it is ripe and ready to eat.

The Siddhidata Kulam grows lots of temple flowers as well.

It was a very warm winter this year and marigolds are germinating way ahead of schedule.

Back in the Ganapati Kulam, the talk with Arumugaswami about the phenomenon of yoga in America. Lynda says, not everyone is ready to hear about the religious and spiritual roots of yoga.

Dr. Lida Chase arrived for her sixth visit to the Aadheenam today. However this is her first visit to actually see the Iraivan Temple. “Oh Wow!” was her initial reaction upon entering the temple complex. As a lecturer on sacred Art, she was amazed by all of the exquisite stone carvings of the Iraivan Temple. She watched with great interest as Chelliah worked on his final floral panel around the sanctum and asked all the right questions.

Lida previously lectured at Stanford University and is currently the Dosant at the Honolulu Academy of Arts. She periodically travels and gives lectures on art on the Norwegian Ships. Lida is also a World Masters Champion swimmer and competed for the United States recently at Stanford University.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

On Sunday 24th the Himalayan Academy had its monthly Bodhinatha’s MC Students Gathering at Flacq at the residence of our enrolled student Manisha Curpen. The topic of the day’s event was Bodhinatha’s teachings on Part Seven: Ashtanga Yoga in-Depth. The seminar is emphasizing on asana or posture and pranayama or breath control. There was also an introduction on the Shum four perspectives. Activities were mainly centered on correct siting posture and learning to control the breath.

Reference is made to Paramaguru Sivayogaswami:
“Yogaswami made reference to this event in one of his sayings in the book oWords of Our Master/ which states: oIf you think of the state of Siva, which is beyond all attributes, it won’t come. It will come by itself. One day, when I was in that state, a bird came and sat on my head. Even yogis and jnanis can’t understand that state./ Of course, Yogaswami is speaking of the state of nirvikalpa Samadhi, which we will look at in depth at the end of this section of the talk.”

“Sivayogaswami was a great yogi and he would sit for hours, even days in deepest meditation. He would also stress the importance of meditation to his devotees and formulated a key teaching, or mahavakiyam, to help them meditate: Tannai ari – Know thyself.”

Time for a break on the terrace ……

Mahadeven (middle) is enrolling in the Master Course. He is the son of Sishya Selvaraj Sanjeevee. Mahadeven has been attending all the classes on SHR at the Park in his youth. Now he is at High School and can study on his own.

Roshan and Vandana from Floréal. They are both completing their Level One soon. Vandana wants to teach at our Saivite Hindu Religion classes. ” It has always been my dream to teach”, she said. The Himalayan Academy will this year run workshops in Theory and Practice for trainee catalysts in Mauritius for the teaching of Bodhinatha’s children series Saivite Hindu Religion.

Back to our topic of he day:
Yogaswami didn’t give us a hundred odd works to do. Only one. Realize the self, yourself, or know thyself, or find out who you are, in Tamil thannai ari. You can’t find the truth in a thousand books or by listening to people talk. You must realize the Self by yourself.

Artee and and Mrs. Sirolmani (right). Mrs. Sirolmani’s children attend SHR classes at the at the Park. She has been invited to attend our seminar at Flacq. She is enrolling for the Master Course today.

Three couples, the Mootoocurpens, he Nathoos and the Soopramaniens are studying with Satguru Bodhinatha. They have barely missed any seminar. They are all seriously planning to formally join the Guru’s organisation after completing their Master Course.

Those in Mauritius/ Indian Ocean region wishing to study with Bodhinatha through the Master Course correspondence Course, kindly contact us at

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