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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today is Sun Four and our computer upgrade went well. Everyone transitioned to new computers and a new server. Its a testimony to Apple Computer that and entire organization upgraded to completely a new hardware platform, systems, migrating all data from the old machines, in virtually less than 16 man hours. Servers are back up and running and we are able bring you TAKA again.

Today was the Siddhidata Kulam report and the big news is from Iraivan where major logistical planning is underway as slowly the pillars are coming into place an navigation by forklift will be more and more challenging if not impossible. More news on that below.

Welcome to Sadhaka Dandapani who completed his first Sojourn in the world as a Sadhaka. He served with Search Beyond Adventures as a tour guide and then went on pilgrimage to India, a short visit with his family and now he is back on the Ekadanta Kulam team and his Talaivar, Saravananathaswami is soooo! happy to have him back. Sadhaka is already hard at work on the advanced detailed planning of the next innersearch. (click for more…) It’s one you cannot miss!

At Iraivan our silpis begged to have the honor of placing the Namasivaya steps that lead into the main sanctum.

Final placement will not be done until a sthapati is on site.

These are very exquisitely carved steps.

…. one for each of the Five Sacred Syllables Na Ma Si Va Ya, in Tamil.

Yoginathaswami explained that soon stones of the front entry way to Iraivan will be place and he will not longer be able to take the fork lift into the temple. So everyone is thinking hard about what needs to be delivered into the interior now. The main items will be the sand under fill and some floor stones.

A lovely Tamil family arrived today from Tampa, Florida, originally from Chennai.

Krishnaswami “Kris” Siddharthan, his wife Renuka, and their son Trishul who is about to enter Medical School.
They have all of Gurudeva’s books and are longtime subscribers of Hinduism Today.

Posing with Paramacharya Palaniswami and Sivakatirswami.

Renuka happily confided to Paramacharya Palaniswami that Gurudeva’s books had helped her to raise her son.

Trishul met and talked with Gurudeva who invited him to come to the Aadheenam for a visit at some future time.

From another camera.. Shama has the temple steps story. The blue-black granite steps of the Sanctum which read “Na Ma Si Va Ya” are carefully put in place today by our super team of shilpis. At foot of steps are (L/R) Veylansami, Karupiah and Chelliah, and above is Manikandan, Rajendran and Pandi.

Supervising this all-important project is Yoginathaswami (not in picture).

One more step is being prepared for placement to complete the entire sacred Mantram.

The doorway of the sanctum is also exquisitely and ornately hand-carved blue-black granite.

The granite rails beside the sacred steps are also beautifully carved.

Yoginathaswami poses in the entrance of this awesomely beautiful temple with the Siddharthan family.

Trishul found the carved wonders of the Iraivan Temple to be “unbelievable” to include this blue-black granite chain handcarved by our silpis in India.

A different view of the Iraivan Temple from the lotus ponds.

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