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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Another discourse by Bodhinatha is linked on the right today. He has nearly completed the editing of the 12 Mamasane, which are 12 key meditations in shum to be practiced, one per month, throughout the year.



Today is the last day of our phase.

This edition of TAKA will remain posted

over our coming two-day retreat,

until Dvitya Tithi, Sun One, Monday, March 5th.

Our Asia Odyssey 2008 innersearch is revving up in enthusiasm and intensity. Everyone here is delighted with the spirited response and it feels as though we are just days from departure. Thirty-six fine souls have already sent in their applications and many others tell us they are thinking it over seriously or working diligently to make it a reality for themselves. If you are thinking you might like to join us, do contact us. Departure is now less than 10 months away and, as you probably know, time has a way of whizzing by… Here, Saravananathaswami shows the brochure we’d be happy to send you if you like. You can request it by e-mail: Or you can go to our Innersearch website and find all the information there. And while you’re there, you might click any of 3 mini-video clips where Bodhinatha speaks of the meditation classes he will give during the journey, and how he will use the Shum language to help us navigate the inner mind. A magnificent and rare opportunity! Do let us hear from you.

Miguel (left) and Israel (right) at the famous ‘Look-Out’ with both the waterfall, the meditation pavilion and the Iraivan Temple in the background.

Today was the last day of this phase, and on Sun Five the Ganapati Kulam give there report… They are always busy as bees….

Paramacharya Palaniswami is primarily focused on his trip to India in April. One of his missions will be to discuss with religious TV stations about the possibility of putting 46 episodes of What is Hinduism on the air. This is a vision Bodhinatha has. A film maker came by yesterday, who recently moved to Kauai and she thought it was a marvelous project. “A book like that, serving as a script for such a thing. If you asked anyone in Hollywood to do such a thing they would think it impossible, but here you have it, in your hands…” Check out the new web page we made for What is Hinduism

Arumugaswami continue to push forward on the promotion of the 16 page Hindu History Lesson that he master minded over a long period of time. See the web page on this important initiative at It is an on-going decades long effort we will need to persist with to get the proper concept of Hinduism into the nation’s school text books.

You may be wondering about these Ganesha images.

Well our Hindu Art CD is now available and a small one of 1008 Ganesha… we bring you today some images from the collection. This project has also been in the background, literally for years and Palaniswami has been collecting image and Sadhaka Satyanatha work hard to collate, organize and get this art ready for public distribution… Check out the home page and movie here at the recently re-done art web site home page.

Below is a movie-slideshow of images for you to see more….

Sivakatirswami has been busy as usual with all kinds of web work and completed the launch of the Hinduism Today April Digital Edition. If you are a subscriber, you can boot up the application and you will be prompted to download the PDF’s for this issue. It’s a beauty! He is learning a little video editing and you will enjoy the movie in the digital edition that was submitted by the Swadhyay Pariwar. If you are not a subscriber, don’t walk but run to! Hinduism Today Digital Edition — Free

Meanwhile, click here to view a high-res image of Pradosha Siva for your desktop. Just one of from the incredible Hindu Art DVD collection.

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